Form Builder Iteration 2 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Denise Warzel Semantic Infrastructure Operations Team Presented to caDSR Curation Team March 2013
Agenda Product and Release Overview –Form Builder Overview –Form Builder Release Features –Form Builder Iteration 1: New Form Cart Structure –Form Builder Iteration 2: New Form Cart Content UAT Overview –Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Goals –Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Instructions –Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Activities
Agenda (1) Product and Release Overview –Form Builder Overview –Form Builder Release Features –Form Builder Iteration 1: New Form Cart Structure –Form Builder Iteration 2: New Form Cart Content UAT Overview –Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Goals –Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Instructions –Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Activities
Form Builder Overview Form Builder is an application within the caDSR Tool Suite that allows users to create form structures from caDSR Common Data Element (CDE) metadata Form Builder allows users to create/edit, browse/view, copy, download (in MS Excel), and classify forms Users can browse forms using the Form Builder caDSR Context Tree or Search Template and monitor forms for changes Users can place forms in user shopping carts so that they can be accessed (XML format) via the caDSR Object Cart API or Object Cart Domain Class Browser Form Builder: Object Cart Domain Class Browser:
Form Builder Key Capabilities Access the CDE shopping cart Create Modules containing Questions from CDEs in the cart Define the order of the modules and questions Define repeating modules (groups of questions) Define skip patterns between questions based on responses Define default values for questions Define whether or not the default value can be edited Define whether a question is optional or mandatory Define an instruction for Value, Question, Module or Form Select from existing Preferred or Alternate question text to be used for the Question Refine the a subset of the CDE Value Domain enumeration for use on the Form Publish a Form in a Context’s Form Catalog Subscribe to Sentinel Reports that are triggered by changes to CDEs on the Form Classify the Form and optionally its CDEs in one or more caDSR Classification Schemes Save the Form to the user’s Form Cart that is accessible via the caDSR Object Cart API Download the Form to MS Excel View / print from a printer friendly version of form description Attach reference documents to the form
Form Builder Features 1.Provide support for a new form cart XML structure (formCartv2) for use by the caDSR Object Cart API –Simplified XML structure –Additional fields added in support of retrieval of a subset of the CDE and Value Domain information via the Object Cart API –Customers of the Object Cart API should no longer have to issue additional calls to caDSR Domian API to get additional information 2.Maintain the current form cart (formCart) format for existing caDSR Object Cart API users –Both the current form cart and the new form cart will be maintained 3.Provide ability to download XML format from Form Builder user interface –GF Add ability to download form in XML format from Cart and Form Builder resultsGF28425
Example of Form Cart XML Changes xslv25xsdv20.xml
Form Builder Iterations Iteration 1: New Form Cart Structure –Focused on the design and development of the new form cart structure Iteration 2: New Form Cart Content –Prioritized adding new content to the cart that is currently being retrieved via a separate caDSR Domain API call by end users such as Medidata / RAVE –Additional new content will be provided in a later release
Iteration 1: Form Cart Structure Changes (1 of 2) General: –Renamed elements to clarify meaning and align with caDSR Domain API –Removed unnecessary ”idseq” elements –Changed all dates from xs:string to xs:dateTime for dateCreated and dateModified –Added designation/classification wherever designations are included in an element Designations is the element containing “Alternate Name” –Changed attributes to elements to ) –Added fields to provide enough information about CDEs so additional calls to caDSR Domain API would not be necessary
Iteration 1: Highlights (2 of 2) New Question Elements: –question/multiValue for elements where multiple values are permitted in the response –Based on Question Instruction text including "report all”, “check all”, ”include all”, “select all”, “choose all”, “enter all”, “mark all” –This new attribute will not be visible in the Form Builder UI until Form Builder 4.1 New Data Element Elements: –dataElement/shortName –dataElement/designation –dataElement/cdeBrowserLink – a URL that opens a web browser to the CDE details in the caDSR CDE Browser –dataElement/dataElementDerivation and sub-elements New Value Domain Elements: –valueDomain/shortName –valueDomain/type, values are Enumerated | NonEnumerated –valueDomain/valueDomainConcept for parent Value Domain concept –valueDomain/nciTermBrowserL- a URL for parent Value Domain concept to open a web browser to the concept details in the NCI Term Browser –valueMeaning/designation
Current Medidata / RAVE Form Builder Usage
New Medidata / RAVE Form Builder Usage
Form Builder New Cart Format estCRFv2-Feb xslv25xsdv20.xml
Form Builder New Form Cart Schema (XSD)
Agenda (2) Product and Release Overview –Form Builder Overview –Form Builder Release Features –Form Builder Iteration 1: New Form Cart Structure –Form Builder Iteration 2: New Form Cart Content UAT Overview –Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Goals –Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Instructions –Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Activities
Form Builder UAT Goals Verify Form Builder Iteration 1 features from prior UAT activities –Form Builder users form cart should contain the forms that were in the cart before deployment –User form cart can be edited (add forms, delete forms, update forms (re-add)), results are saved –XML download feature works, downloads the correct form in the new XML structure Test Form Builder Iteration 2 features –Verify Iteration 2 form cart content changes –Verify that acceptability of system performance for retrieving the old and the new cart
Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Schedule UAT ActivityUAT Schedule Form Builder Iteration 2 Presentation Overview sent to UAT Team 3/20/2013 UAT Team Performs Iteration 2 UAT Testing on the Form Builder QA Tier 3/20/2013 – 3/25/2013 UAT Team Sends caDSR Team UAT Testing Feedback 3/25/2013 COB
Form Builder Iteration 2 UAT Instructions 1.Login to Form Builder on the QA tier ( –Reset your QA password on the Password Change Station QA tier if needed ( –Modify the contents of an existing form, check form cart using Form Builder UI and Object Cart Domain Class browser to be sure that the cart was updated 2.Using the Object Cart Domain Class Browser on the QA Tier (, search for the “cart” object for the user account name as “userid” –Verify that both the existing form cart (formCart) and the new form cart (formCartV2) are available for the user and contain the same set of forms 3.Verify the content changes of the Iteration 2 formCartV2 fields 4.Make changes to one of the forms in the cart and save –Verify that the user form cart has the updated form 5.Delete forms from the form cart –Verify that the form is deleted in the Form Builder UI 6.Search and select new forms to add into the form cart –Verify that the user form cart has the forms 7.Provide feedback on test results to the Form Builder Team 8.Verify cart form –Once you have completed testing and send a note to caDSR team, we will generate a text version of one of your forms and send it back to you so you can verify its contents using Form Builder
Special Consideration – Password Change Station We are also in the process of promoting the Password Change Station (PCS) across the tiers The PCS is currently on the QA tier and being tested on the STAGE tier Because of this, your caDSR password may have expired and you may have to reset it Please follow these steps if you need to reset your password: 1.Go to the PCS on the QA tier: 2.Login with your production account name 3.You should be guided to the “Change Password” page 4.If you have not previously set up security questions on this tier, you will be asked to create security questions and answers prior to changing your password. After creating your security questions, follow the instructions to enter your current and new QA password. If you have previously set up security questions, you may go directly to the Change Password feature. 5.Use the new password to log into Form Builder on QA tier: qa.nci.nih.govhttp://formbuilder-
Suggested UAT Activities for caDSR Form Builder users …
Download Forms in XML Format New “Download” icon to download form in XML format Available from: Form search results Form cart “View” form details (clicking on form name in search results)
Modify the Form Cart
Delete Forms From the Form Cart
Add Forms to the Form Cart
Suggested UAT Activities for Object Cart API users …
Use Object Cart Domain Class Browser
Retrieve Form Cart for specific user from Domain Class Browser
Review the New Form Cart Contents
Provide Feedback on Test Results Record the Public Id and Version of the forms you think should be in your cart when you are finished testing, a screen shot of your cart from Form Builder will suffice Send this information in an with feedback to the Form Builder Team: –NCI Sponsor Denise Warzel: –Project Manager Sharon Gaheen: –Technical Lead Greg Raley: Thanks for your assistance and feedback!
References Form Builder QA Application Object Cart Domain Class QA Browser - Object Cart QA REST API - Password Change Station QA Application - Form Builder Help Documentation Form Builder Requirements Form Builder Use Cases Form Builder Test Cases - G5rSkRKUXc#gid=1 G5rSkRKUXc#gid=1 Form Builder Form Cart –New Form Cart Example XML; - ormedofDeniseTestCRFv2-Feb xslv25xsdv20.xml ormedofDeniseTestCRFv2-Feb xslv25xsdv20.xml –New Form Cart XSD:- Form Builder Issue Tracker Form Builder Release Notes -
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