The Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire: A CWIQ Option for Monitoring Poverty Reduction Strategies.


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Presentation transcript:

The Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire: A CWIQ Option for Monitoring Poverty Reduction Strategies

Inputs The Logframe defines M&E activities at four levels Impact Outcomes Outputs Impact on living standards Who are the beneficiaries? (access, usage & satisfaction) Goods & services generated by the project/Program Resources provided for Project/Program activities

It is used to monitor outcomes of development actions, (such as PRSPs) …. …..through the use of leading indicators, such as access, use and satisfaction The CWIQ is a household survey

Using CWIQ to monitor primary education in Ghana Access to schools (within 30 minutes) Usage (enrollment rates) Quality of service (% satisfied ) WARNING! % satisfied All households 40% Rural households30% Poor rural households18%

Using CWIQ to monitor primary education in Ghana What are they complaining about? Lack of books a problem everywhere Poor facilities - serious problem in poor rural communities

Sample CWIQ outputs - Nigeria Overall more household feel they are better off now, especially among the poor Note margin of error at 95% confidence level

Sample CWIQ outputs - Tanzania

Sample CWIQ outputs - Ghana

Countries in which the CWIQ is planned or has been implemented H Kenya (pilot) H Ghana H Nigeria H Tanzania H Lesotho H Senegal H Mali H Rwanda H CAR H Guinea Bissau H Mozambique

How does the CWIQ work? Large sample Short questionnaire Rigorous control of data quality Quick data entry & validation Simple reporting Fixed core, flexible modules An off-the-shelf survey package

1. Sampling issues H Large samples are encouraged H A ‘core’ survey in a 5-10 year survey program H Annual sampling from Master Sample frames builds up time series H Not really intended for panel studies - but these are not excluded H Suitable for small area sampling

2. The questionnaire H 4 pages / 9 sections H 3 levels hierarchy (household, household members, children) H Service delivery indicators (access, use and satisfaction) H Indicators on welfare status (Assets, housing, literacy, nutrition, employment)

2. The questionnaire (contd.) H The CWIQ does not collect consumption or expenditure data H The issue of poverty predictors –Kenya experience –Ghana experience –Nigeria/Mozambique experience –Rwanda experience

2. The questionnaire designed for scanning

3. Quality control H The training course – 6 day training course which includes: – detailed presentation on the questionnaire and interview technique – role play interviewing in class – supervised field interviews – exercises to introduce techniques needed for scanned forms – use of scanners to provide immediate feedback

3. Quality control H Data quality is achieved through tight control : – thorough training; – close supervision in the field; – rapid data loading with extensive computerised validation checks; and – early feedback to interviewers in the case of problems. H Average number of interviews per enumerator/day - four H Mean interview duration - about 40 minutes (with anthropometry)

Visual checks on questionaires Prepare forms for scanning Scan forms to create digital images in the computer Automatic creation of data records. Some user verification may be required 4. Data Processing - Stage 1

H RequiresTELEform for image processing of the scanned forms, converting the marked areas into data values;  Objective is to start data processing as soon as possible after the start of fieldwork. H A questionnaire can be scanned and converted into the database format in about 2 minutes. H Three people in the data processing team can handle 300 questionnaires per day. H The package includes comprehensive documentation on all aspects of the data processing. 4. Data Processing - Stage 1

How character recognition is verified and corrected using TELEform 4. Data Processing - Stage 1

Transfer data to Access Run validation checks Examine error listing and determine corrections to be made Enter corrections Summarise and generate tables 4. Data Processing - Stage 2

H Requires Microsoft Access to build data structures, validate, correct, summarise and tabulate the data; H Once scanned the data are transferred to MS-Access which has been configured to: – perform a number of validation checks to test logical consistency of the data – provide a means of editing erroneous records – generate derived variables 4. Data Processing - Stage 2

5. Generating results H Pre-programmed standard report using Access and Excel H Data can be exported to standard statistical analysis packages H Data and metadata stored and disseminated on CD-ROM H Standardized indicators simplify cross- country comparisons

6. CWIQ modules H Gender Module (Nigeria) H Flood damage module (Mozambique) H CWIQ/MICS module (Mozambique) H Consumption module (Rwanda) H HIV/AIDS module (under development) H Community CWIQ (Tanzania)

Summary information H It is quick! H It’s a package H Helps build institutional capacity: –to collect quality data –to speed up turnaround time –to generate annual series H TA is needed (2X6 weeks) H Duration: 2-6 months H Cost per household (approximate): –First year $54: (pilot survey on 1000 hh. costs $54,000) –Next year $33: (national survey on 10,000 hh. costs $330,000)

The CWIQ is just one of several tools needed for a poverty reduction information system H Poverty monitoring and moneymetric analysis ‡ LSMS: Income and expenditure surveys H Poverty monitoring over time ‡ CWIQ; Admin. records; Prices collection H Poverty monitoring and poverty maps ‡ Censuses; small area surveys H Participative poverty monitoring (listening to the poor)

More information on the CWIQ is available at: /