Get up and Go…. But STAY at your desk!
Negative effects of sitting: Responsible for poor posture including neck, back and knee pain. Obesity Increased risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, depression. Deep Vein Thrombosis Increased risk of heart disease Increased risk for certain cancers (including colon and breast) Shorter Life Span
National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys Americans’ sedentary lifestyle shortens their life expectancy. If Americans cut their sitting time in half, their life expectancy would increase by roughly 2 years (by reducing sitting to less than 3 hours a day)
Journal of the American College of Cardiology- January 18,2011 Even in cases where people exercise regularly, those who sat the longest had a higher mortality rates.
Easy ways to move more at work Stand up, stand up, stand up! Stretch Low intensity exercises at your desk
Standing with minimal activity burns 2 ½ times as many calories as sitting
Benefits of Stretching Increases flexibilityImproves circulation Improves balance and coordination Helps alleviate lower back pain Helps improve cardiovascular Decreases the risk of activity based injuries Relieves stressImproves moodCan help improve postured
Low Intensity Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk
30% eat take out or fast food 5-10 times per week 46.67% drink one or more sugary drink per day 62% exercise 30 minutes a week or less 80% have stand up consoles/desks 73.33% stand up only 1-3 times per day 36.6% stay at their desk for lunch 60% sit 10 hours a day or more (work & home) 65.5% feel that their job has played a negative part in their overall health In a small survey conducted of area dispatchers:
Extra! Park in those spots farther from the door Take the stairs Bike or walk to work Walk on lunch breaks Yard work Pace or stretch while watching tv Dance with your kids Walk to them VS. calling or ing