Lab Notebook Format 1) Title/Date 2) Pre-lab (Parts A, B, C) 3) Purposes (2-3) 4) Personal Account 5) Discussion– only 1 question (on bottom of pg 3 of packet) 6) Conclusion
Lab 2: Enzyme catalysis Guaiacol + 2H 2 O 2 tetraguaiacol + 8H 2 O (colorless) (brownish orange) Enzyme = peroxidase Substrate = peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) How will we measure enzyme function? - Color change using a spectrophotometer peroxidase
How does a spectrophotometer work? Take home points 1.Light at a specific wavelength is sent through a liquid sample 2.Light passing through the sample is detected on the other side 3.To measure this accurately, we must calibrate (blank) the spec. 4.Calibrating the spec sets the range & “tells” the spec: -what 0% light is (darkness) -what 100% light is (all light passing through) -For our experiment we will see how the amount of light passing through changes as the reaction proceeds.
Tube #1 (blank) Tube #2Tube #3 Guaiacol0.1 mL (2 drops) 0.1 mL (2 drops) --- H2O2H2O2 0.2 mL (4 drops) --- Turnip extract (peroxidase) 1.0 mL (20 drops) mL (20 drops) dH 2 O5.2 mL5.0 mL--- 1.Set wavelength to 500 nm 2.With the chamber empty, use left knob to adjust to 0% T 3.Insert tube #1 (blank) into spec & use right knob to adjust to 100% T 4.Pour #2 into #3 & begin timing immediately!! 5.Invert 2X quickly & place into spec 6.Record %T every 10 sec for 120 secs 7.From page 3, choose your experiment for tomorrow
Enzyme Lab Overview – Only hypothesis/procedure/data from THURSDAY needs to be included. – Slope calculation for EACH of your four lines ΔY / ΔX(Units = Y units / X units) – Discussion section (section #5) is only ONE question! Math Overview – Be sure you’re clear on how to solve the first four problems on the Unit 3 Math Practice sheet!