Fastpitch Softball Physiological Profile Crystal Fryer
ASEP and My Findings ASEPFryer Energy Fitness Muscular Fitness SportActivityAerobicAnaerobicFlexibilityStrengthEnduranceSpeedPower HittingLowLow Medium- High MediumMediumMedium MediumLow-MediumLowHighHighHighHigh FieldingLowLow MediumMediumMedium MediumLow-MediumLowHighHighHighHigh Base Running Low- Medium MediumHighHighMediumMediumMediumMediumLow-MediumMediumHighHigh Medium -High Medium Pitching Low- Medium Low Medium- High HighHighHigh HighLowLow High High
Research: Energy Fitness ATP-PC Terbizan (1996) Muscular capacity measured in arms and legs and anaerobic power improved in arms average W and the legs W Szymanski (2001) Approximately 80% of the energy supplied by the ATP-PC system. Coleman (2004) Most players seldom run meters in game situations Glycolytic Szymanski (2001) Glycolic system supplies 15% of energy. Aerobic Terbizan (1996) Although aerobic capacity of 1 m run increased from to ml/(kg x min), increase not significant Szymanski (2001) 5% energy supplied from aerobic system.
Application and Conclusion Developing Anaerobic Fitness- Dynamic stretching, Agilities, Numerous short distance sprints in game-like conditions (Games Approach), and interval training of high-intensity running drills followed by periods of active recovery No need for frequent aerobic training Conclusion- Results are consistent with the ASEP findings
References Arzola, Gil. (2006). Throwing a Softball Fast. Coach and Athletic Director, 75, Coleman, Eugene. (2004). Changes in Running Speed in Game Situations During a Season of Major League Baseball. Journal of Exercise of Physiology, 7, Ellis, Lindsay. (2000). Protocols for the Physiological Assessment of Softball Players. Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes, Ch.26, Flyger, Nicholas. (2006). The Science of Softball: Implications for Performance and Injury Prevention. Sports Medicine, 36, Martens, Rainer. (2004). Successful Coaching, 3rd ed Szymanski, David. Baseball (Part II): A Periodized Speed Program. National Strength and Conditioning Association, 23, Terbizan, Donna J. (1996). Physiological Characteristics of Masters Women Fastpitch Softball Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 10,