Music Education Division A Guide through the Gates of the Program
A Quick Guide through the Gates Further information may be found in the Music Education Handbook and Music Education majors should consult both the Handbook and their program advisor regularly. Click Here for online access to the Handbook: Also, see the Music Education Program Timeline, which can be found at the end of the Handbook.
Gate #1 MUS138, Introduction to Music Education Anyone student in the School of Music may enroll. Required of all Music Education Majors, and generally taken in the freshman year. Exploratory students may enroll and use MUS138 at the gateway to the Music Education program, or as an elective. Students must pass with a grade of a “C” or better in order to continue in the Music Education program.
Gate #2 Permission to Pursue Certification (PPC) Take and Pass MUS138 Take and Pass Praxis I Submit PPC Application Submit PPC Recommendations Review by Music Education Review Committee
Gate #3 Piano Proficiency Music Education majors take 4 semesters of piano Final semester is a Group Piano course taught by Dr. Litzelman The Music Education Proficiency Exam is given once a year, and generally taken at the end of the sophomore year.
Gate #3 Application to Student Teach Prerequisites for Student Teaching: Completion of all curriculum requirements specified for the first 5 semesters with a G.P.A. of at least a 2.5 (C+) in academic (non-MUS) subjects and with a GPA of at least a 3.0 in music (MUS) subjects. Completion of 100 hours of field experience/practicum as required in methods coursework. Piano Proficiency Required Inst. Techniques classes Praxis All health and safety requirements of hosting school district. Student teachers responsible for their own transportation.
Gate #4 Teacher Licensure Completion of Student Teaching Application to State Dept. of Education Praxis II or other state- required tests Initial Licensure! (Renewal of License requirements vary from state to state.)