The Geometry of Cells The effects of Surface Area to Volume Ratio on Cell Size By the James E. Taylor HS team of Julie Cooper, Bekki George, Consie Javor, and Carolynn Raper
Objective To investigate the relationship of the size and shape of cells to the surface area to volume ratio. To design a model to determine the optimum ratio for different types of cells.
Interdisciplinary Groups Algebra One Biology Geometry Computer Science
Algebra One Focus Determine volume & surface area of simple solids Find ratios given volumes and ratios Interpret graphs
Biology Focus Shapes of Cells –Efficient shape –Efficient surface area to volume ratio –Relationship to function Relationship of ratio to a cell’s diffusion
Geometry Focus Determine surface areas and volumes of regular solids Compare ratios of different types of solids
Computer Science Write programs to find surface areas and volumes of irregular solids Write programs to determine an optimum ratio of surface area to volume.
STELLA example :