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Shoftim “Judges” Deuteronomy/Devarim 16:18-21:9 “The Prophet”
Who was Moses? Moses had a very important job! Moses was used by God to bring Israel out of Egypt. Moses was used to give us the Torah. He was a prophet.
What is a Prophet? A prophet is a person who is used by the LORD to be His spokesman. A prophet listens to the voice of the LORD and speaks what he or she is told. In the Torah we are told that another prophet would come after Moses.
Devarim/Deuteronomy 18:18 “I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.”
A prophet like Moses The ancient Rabbis taught that this prophet would be the Messiah! Yeshua is the Messiah. He is also “The Prophet” mentioned in this week’s Torah portion. The people during Yeshua’s life were looking for “The Prophet”.
Yochanan the Immerser Yochanan was asked if he was the Messiah, or Elijah, nor the Prophet ?" Yochanan said no! Yochanan knew that Yeshua was “The Prophet” that was foretold of in our Torah portion this week.
Let's Learn Hebrew! Our Hebrew word is Navi The Hebrew word “Navi” means “Prophet” in English
Review Questions What is the name of our Torah portion this week? A. Eikev B. Devarim C. Shoftim Who was a prophet to Israel? A. Moses B. Yeshua C. Both individuals C. Shoftim C. Both individuals
Review Questions What is the job of a prophet? A. To make a lot of money B. To tell people what God says C. To grow things in the ground Who was asked if he was “The Prophet” foretold of in our Torah portion? A. Yochanan the Immerser B. Peter C. Paul B. To tell people what God says A. Yochanan the Immerser
Review Questions What is the English word for the Hebrew word “Navi”? A. Preacher B. Prophet C. King B. Prophet
Points to Remember A prophet is someone who listens to the LORD’s voice and tells the people what God is saying. Yeshua was “The Prophet” foretold of in our Torah portion this week The Hebrew word for prophet is “Navi”
Small Group Time