_________________________________________ 4 coordinated terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda Attacks in New York City, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania 19 terrorists hijacked four planes: two Boeing 757 planes and two Boeing 767 planes Planes taken over, hijackers commit suicide to crash planes into targets.
_________________________________________ Passenger/Crew details – several hijackers on plane – Used mace, tear gas, or pepper spray to overcome Hijacker Bombs? – Flight Attendant on 11, passenger on 175, and multiple passengers on 93 – One passenger on 93: fake – FBI: no traces of explosion 9/11 Commission – hijackers recently purchased multi-function hand tools and assorted knives/blades. – concludes bombs fake
_________________________________________ Al-Qaeda gets immediate suspicion Osama Bin Laden denied involvement until 2004 Reasons – US supports Israel – US troops in Saudi Arabia – Sanctions against Iraq Plans – US Capitol building planned target – Nuclear installations over WTC and Pentagon, but decided against it because things could get out of control
_________________________________________ FAA – Grounded all aircraft in continental US (9:40am) – In flight aircraft told to land immediately – International aircraft turned back or redirected – 3 day ban on international flights Delta Air Lines Flight 1989 – Matched hijacked planes (Logan Airport, 767, headed to LA) – In OH airspace, no reply to Boston – FAA told Cleveland Center to watch – Cleveland controller hears “get out of here” and “we have a bomb on board” (actually Flight 93) – Pilot states everything is fine – Lands in Cleveland, OH SWAT Team evacuates All searched, nothing Civilian airspace in US/Canada closed for 2 days
__________ __________ __________ ToLA SF Passengers Crew Hijackers5554 Departure7:59am Logan Airport (Boston) 8:14am Logan Airport (Boston) 8:20am Dulles International Airport (Virginia) 7:59am Newark International Airport (New Jersey) Crash8:46am North Tower of World Trade Center 9:03am South Tower of World Trade Center 9:37am The Pentagon 10:03 Field in Shanksville Pennsylvania
_________________________________________ Fourth flight, four hijackers Passengers fight off hijackers Target: Capitol Building or White House Cockpit voice recorder: Passengers/crew tried to seize control of plane Learned from phone calls that flights 11,77, and 175 flown into buildings Passengers might regain control, hijackers roll plane and intentionally crash
_________________________________________ South Tower –Burned for 56 minutes –Collapses at 9:59am –Fire from plane impact and explosion induces structural damage North Tower –Burned for 102 minutes –Collapses at10:28am 7 World Trade Center ( 7 WTC) –Burned for about 6-7 hours –Debris from North Tower falls on, starts fire –Fire compromises structural integrity –Collapses at 5:21 pm
_________________________________________ Human Loss – Almost 3,000 deaths, including 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard planes – Deadliest incident for fire fighters (343 deaths) and law enforcement officers (72) Economic Fallout – At least $10 billion in property damage – Lower Manhattan economy damage – Wall Street closes for almost a week Repair – WTC clean up completed in May 2002 – Pentagon repaired within a year
_________________________________________ War on Terror Invade Afghanistan to depose Taliban (harbored al-Qaeda) Airport security strengthened Other countries – Strengthen anti-terrorism legislation – Expand law enforcement powers