Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Workshop on Meteorological and Hydrologic Cooperation Within APEC January 12, 2001 Albuquerque, NM.


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Presentation transcript:

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Workshop on Meteorological and Hydrologic Cooperation Within APEC January 12, 2001 Albuquerque, NM

Promote Free Trade and Investment Promote Economic and Technical Cooperation APEC Objectives:

Achieved By:  Reducing Barriers  Facilitating Open Regionalism  Sustaining the Region’s Growth and Development  Encouraging Positive Gains from Economic Interdependence  Enhancing the Role of the Private Sector

U.S. Involvement in APEC The United States is actively engaged in APEC because the economic health of its members has become vitally important to our own economic well- being.  Roughly two-thirds of U.S. trade is with APEC members  The financial crisis underscored our interdependence.

APEC’s Member Economies  Australia  Brunei Darussalam  Canada  Chile  China  Hong Kong, China  Indonesia  Japan  Korea  Malaysia  Mexico  New Zealand  Papua New Guinea  Peru  Philippines  Russia  Singapore  Chinese Taipei  Thailand  United States  Vietnam

APEC Organization Chart

Why U.S. Department of Commerce?  APEC is about cooperation for economic growth.  APEC is not for governments. It is for business. Through APEC, we aim to open the way for businesses to do business.  APEC stands on three legs: liberalization, facilitation, and cooperation.

U.S. Department of Commerce Chairs:  Marine Resource Conservation & Fisheries (NOAA)  Trade Promotion (ITA)  Tourism (ITA)  Committee on Trade and Investment (ITA Co-Chair with USTR)  Industrial Science and Technology (TA)

APEC Economic & Technical Cooperation  Developing Human Capital  Fostering Safe and Efficient Capital Markets  Strengthening Economic Infrastructure  Harnessing Technologies for the Future  Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Economic Growth  Encouraging the Growth of SMEs

Technology Administration’s Involvement  Served as Co-Chair of the U.S. Delegation to the Working Group on Investment and Technology Transfer from  Became Chair in 1993 After Investment Issues Moved to Another Group

Technology Administration’s Involvement (continued)  Hosted 17 th Meeting of the Industrial Science and Technology Working Group in August 1999  NIST participated in the Committee on Trade and Investment’s Subcommittee on Standards & Conformance

Industrial Science and Technology Working Group (ISTWG) Milestones  1994 –Working Group’s Emphasis Changes From North/South Technology Transfer to S&T Cooperation  1996 – First APEC S&T Ministerial  1997 – Leaders Charge the Group with the Primary Responsibility for Sustainable Development and the Environment

Industrial Science and Technology Working Group (ISTWG) Milestones  1998 – Leaders Adopt the APEC Agenda for S&T Industry Cooperation into the 21 st Century; Second APEC S&T Ministerial; APEC Year of Harnessing Technology for the Future  1999 – Leaders Statements on E-Commerce and Emergency Preparedness; Continued Endorsement of Cleaner Production and Environmental Health

Industrial Science and Technology Working Group “ A dynamic and prosperous Asia-Pacific region built on the development and application of industrial science and technology which supports economic growth and improves the quality of life while safeguarding the environment and natural resources necessary for economic sustainability.”

ISTWG’s focus areas  Improved Availability of Information  ASTWEB  Virtual Center for Environmental Technology Exchange  Public Understanding of S&T  APEC S&T Indicators and Statistics

ISTWG’s focus areas II. Improved Human Resource Development  APEC Youth Science Festival  Gender and S&T  APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for SMEs  APEC Coordinating Center for Good Clinical Practices

ISTWG’s focus areas  Improved Business Climate  Intellectual Property Rights  Study of Laws and Regulations Governing Trade and Investment-Related Technology Transactions  Discussions of Industrial Standards Systems  Adoption of Principles for Collaboration

ISTWG’s focus areas IV. Contribution to Sustainable Economic Development  Cleaner Production Initiative  Environmental Health/Emerging Infectious Diseases  Disaster Mitigation/Emergency Preparedness

ISTWG’s focus areas  Enhance Policy Dialogue and Review  R&D Leaders’ Forums  Meetings of Ministers Responsible for Science and Technology  Presentations on and Discussions of Members’ Technology Policies  APEC Agenda for S&T Industry Cooperation into the 21 st Century

ISTWG’s focus areas VI. Facilitation of Networks and Partnerships  APEC Network of S&T Industrial Parks  APEC Center for Technology Foresight  APEC Center for Materials Evaluation and Testing  Asia-Pacific Cleaner Production Roundtable

Work Plan  The Working Group undertakes approximately 60 different activities with the following objectives:  Improved Availability of Information  Improved Human Resource Development  Improved Business Climate  Contribution of Sustainable Economic Development  Enhanced Policy Dialogue and Review

19 th ISTWG Meeting October 2000 – Key Outcomes  Endorsed new projects: Materials properties testing; technology foresight symposium; advanced technologies for high production sustainable development symposium; greening of the supply chain; completion of Cleaner Production task force.  Convene S&T Policy Forum in September 2001  APEC Technomart IV (Suzhou City, China, September 2001  U.S. raised interest in possible new areas for ISTWG collaboration: critical infrastructure protection S&T; and global threat of invasive species

Schedule of ISTWG Meetings  April 2001 (tentative): 20 th ISTWG Meeting, Vietnam  September 2001 (tentative): 21 st ISTWG Meeting, Malaysia

Who are Members of the ISTWG?  Generally, representatives of science and technology or industry/trade ministries  Less often, representatives of foreign affairs ministry  Other ministries represented in delegations

Project Development Process  Co-sponsorship (at least three economies)  Instructions for new project proposal (ASTWEB)  Project development strategies (ISTWG side meetings)

APEC Related Websites  APEC Secretariat (Singapore):  Information Regarding ISTWG (ASTWEB):  APEC Business Advisory Council: