Boys and Girls Free Throws! By: Brityn Flickinger
Introduction Free throws are used when you foul. Who can make more free throws? I am a basketball player and I did this because I wanted to find out who made more.
Problem I’m testing who can make more free throws boys or girls. Each person gets three warm up shots and then five normal shots.
Back ground information You shoot free throws when you get fouled. When you shoot free throws you shoot two at a time. It shows that guys make more than girls.
Hypothesis I predict guys will make more free throws than girls. I think that because boys are stronger and can hit the hoop.
Materials Ball Five boys Five girls Clip board Gym
Procedure 1.Gather all materials 2.Get a student (male or female) 3.Three warm up shots 4.Five normal shots 5.Record data 6.Repeat steps 1-5 till all students male and female have shot
Variables Independent – the number of shots they get Dependent- the number of free throws made Controlled- Boys and girls
Results Kayli- 2 Breckyn- 3 Daltyn- 1 Andi- 3 Haylie- 3 Chase- 4 Jayde-0 Alex-2 Zane-1 Luc-2
Conclusion In conclusion my hypothesis is wrong. The girls made more shots than the guys.
Possible Application It could be used for picking teams in gym. Or they NBA as well.
Further Research Without a doubt shooting/ free throws is the most important part of the game. If you miss your free throw there are people around on your team and other team that will try to get the rebound. You have ten sec to shoot a free throw. When you are shooting a free throw you have nobody around to block or mess up the shot. There are two people on your team that are going to rebound and three from the other team. The other players stand back behind the shooter. When you are shooting free throws, you need to have a routine and be confident. A common error is you feel really tense.
Possible Cause Of Error Not been behind the line. Got more warm up shots. Some of my student play basketball and some don’t.
Time Spent 16 hours
Acknowledgement I want to say thank you to Mrs. Riffel for letting me test. Also I want to say thank you to Ms. Ball for letting me use her basketballs and thank you to my lovely testers!!
Work Cited Basketball Free Throw Rules." throw-rules/. 23 Feb Web. 23 Jan "Free Throw Finish." 011_32331.shtml. 23 Feb Web. 23 Jan "Basketball Free Throw Shooting." 23 Feb Web. 23 Jan