Learning adaptation The brain is like a computer, with feelings… People adapt to any given situation. The challenge is to choose the right situation…
Environment If it is cold, we start moving to warm up… When the sun is bright, our eyes adjust themselves… When off balance, we naturally fight to stay on our feet… Going downhill on a mountain, we tend to speed up or we work to slow down... Walking to a room with music, we react…
On a trampoline You want the student to go higher, use a stop watch… You want him to produce more rotation, ask him to go lower. You want him to reduce the travelling, reduce the space. You want him to keep the head straight, give him a visual target in front of him.
In juggling The juggler throws the balls in front, ask him to walk backwards while juggling. You want him to throw the balls with precisions, ask him to throw them higher. You want him to improve the rhythm, work with music. You want him to breathe while juggling, ask him to talk.
On a tight wire You want a better control on balance, vary the speed of walking. The student hesitates all the time before jumping, give him a maximum of 5 seconds before jumping. The student is landing off the tight wire when doing acrobatic skills, ask him to to push as far away as possible when on take off.