SOCIAL INJUSTICE Social Injustice is unfairness or injustice of a society Social Injustice effects poor, uneducated or vulnerable people but mostly children The most vulnerable are in Asia, Latin America, and Africa In the article it said “The International Labor Organization, a United Nations agency, estimates that 1.2 million are sold into trade that generate as much as $10 billion annually.”
CHILD LABOR The incident I researched was forced Child Labor through a 6-Year-Old's eyes The article talked about a young boy named Mark who worked to support his family Mark worked for many hours of the day on a boat catching fish Many children in Africa are involved in this because they are the poorest country 0/29/world/africa/29ghana.html ?pagewanted=all&_r=0
WHAT LED UP TO IT Many children work to support their families because either a family member cannot work or they don’t make enough money In the article it said they make as little as $20 per year “In Africa, the world’s poorest, account for roughly one-sixth of the trade” Many families needed food so they would send their children to work
RESULTS OF THE INCIDENT In the end many were still forced to work even as they got older Many young children still work to support their families just like Mark Many how tried to escaped were killed or badly beaten 1qaf8czo1_1280.png
WHY IT INTERESTED ME I chose this topic because I thought people should know how fortunate they are to live in a country that doesn’t support child labor. Countries out of the U.S. are struggling to even buy food for their families which causes them to even lease their own children. Also it was very interesting to learn how young this children really are, the article I read was about a 6 year old, it’s hard to believe that a 6 year old would be working such a treacherous job.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Lafraniere, Sharon. "Africa's World of Forced Labor, in a 6- Year-Old's Eyes." New York Times 29 Oct. 2006: A1(L). General OneFile. Web. 31 Jan