WHAT IS AN ENZYME? Enzymes are proteins that serve as a catalyst. They are chemical agents that speed up the rate of a reaction without itself being altered in the process.
Biological Washing Powder What is the difference between biological washing powder and regular washing powder?
Enzymes in Biological Washing Powder The first patent for a protein-digesting enzyme was issued back in 1913, and this enzyme was extracted from animal pancreases, but it was of limited use for it was unstable.
Enzyme in Specifc: The most important enzymes used in biological washing powders is protease. ° Protease refers to a group of enzymes whose catalytic function is to hydrolyze (break down) peptide bonds of proteins. They are also called proteolytic enzymes.
Amylase: digests starch from potatoes and grains
Lipase : lipolytic enzyme produced for incorporation into automatic laundry detergents. Lipase has broad activity and promotes the hydrolysis of a wide variety of fatty substances.
Why use enzymes in washing powders? ° Enzymes enhance detergent cleaning by breaking down large, hard to remove materials into smaller, easy to remove fragments. ° Proteases are the most important type of enzyme when choosing an enzymatic detergent for medical use because there is a high content of protein in most body fluids (including blood, tissue and mucous).
° Proteases, Amylases and Lipases are easy to obtain and only a surprisingly small amount of enzymes are needed in most detergent preparations. ° It is important to note that washing powder with enzymes work best at 40°C.
Refrences y/CHEM43/CHEM43/Lipases/main.html y/CHEM43/CHEM43/Lipases/main.html