Some STEM cross-curriculum design principles Bexley STEM Network
STEM resource websites Bexley STEM Network – Hub for all Bexley STEM projects resources - Sir John Holman’s national STEMbasehttp:// National forum of educators, academics, industry, govt ministries SETPOINT London East - Susanna Wisborghttp:// – STEM Ambassadors – Vicky
Aims of the National Curriculum “The curriculum should enable all young people to become: Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society”
Good learning occurs when learners find it … Meaningful, compelling and irresistible Valuable, useful and interesting Challenging and contributing to real progress Accessible at an appropriate level of challenge
Good learning happens when … The context and learner role is right Prior learning of individual is known and taken fully into account by the teacher Prior learning is articulated by learner and used to connect to new learning
School learning happens best when … Learning from one lesson/subject to another is joined-up in the learner’s head Subject-based knowledge and skills are explicitly transferred/applied/referred to within and between subjects
Explicit ways of making learning coherent Common knowledge – key concepts, linking concepts together. Common skills - graphs, calculations, measuring, physical manipulative, interpersonal Common values – rational processes, social and environmental ethical purposes and opportunities
Common themes 7 cross curriculum themes Identity and cultural diversity Healthy lifestyles Community participation Enterprise Global dimension and sustainable development Technology and the media Creativity and critical thinking
Common themes 6 Personal Learning and Thinking Skills PLTS Independent enquirers Team workers Effective participants Self managers Reflective learners Creative thinkers Literacy and numeracy development
Structural ways of making learning coherent Whole school timetable restructuring Blocking STEM subjects Collapsed day – yearly, termly, half-termly, more frequently Coordinated curriculum Module – one, two three, more … Discrete subject units taught by specialist (heterogeneous) Complete merged module - all aspects taught by each teacher to one class
Subject-specific model Introduction Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 6 Subject 5 Synoptic plenary event Self-evaluation Figure 1 Subject based cross-curricular project structure Tchr Review & Plan Agreed time period (3 weeks)
Multi subject Unifying coherent theme Subject 1 Subject 5 Subject 2Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 6Subject 7Subject 8
ReadingFrenchEnglishLunch PE Art and Music ReadingEnglishLunch PE French Art and Music French ReadingEnglishLunch French Art and Music MonMon Cross – Curricular Learning skills Projects Tu e Cross – Curricular Learning skills Projects W ed Cross – Curricular Learning skills Projects ReadingMathsLunchDesign and Technology Product Skills ThurThur Cross – Curricular Learning skills Projects FriFri ReadingMathsLunchScience and investigating Skills SEAL Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning Yr 7 TransitionalTransitional CurriculumCurriculum
!/2 termly cross- curriculum projects Sept- Oct Oct- Dec Jan- Feb Mar- April April- June 6Hun e-July Sci/PE/ Geog Art/Math French Drama/ En/Tech Hist/ICT/ Music CZ/Spa nish/
The Importance of Science Some possible unifying themes. SKILLS Graphs Research skills Classifying and analysing Argumentation Extended writing CONCEPTS Power Force Energy Interdependence Feedback ATTRIBUTES and QUALITIES Perseverance Goal-led Supportive of others Organised Positive 10 Project Titles ‘Joan Roan School’: Football/Religions/Poetry/Circus/School Trip/Lost in Time online/Environment/Healthy Eating/Sustainability/Classical Civilisation/ School of the Future
Who, where, when, what, how, why? Same teacher – different teacher(s) Same place – different place Same time – different time Same module element – different module element Same teaching /learning activities – different teaching/learning activities WHY?WHY?
Start with the end in mind Evidenced learning achievements? How will you know what impact and improvement it has had on learning progress and enjoyment – was it worth it? How good, often and valued was the teacher collaboration? Did the module(s) deliver the learning well? Why? How Did all learners enjoy and make progress? (differentiation) How well did assessments help learning progress better? Was there a variety of learning activities? Were the contexts relevant and interesting? Will both learners and teachers contribute to evaluating and improving the module(s) for next time?
Disciplined curriculum design – 7 step process