Regional Workshop on Ecological Sanitation in South Asia :SEI- UNICEF India PCA UNICEF ROSA, SEI, Ministry of Health Care & Nutrition and Ministry of Water Supply & Drainage Sri Lanka April ,Kaluthara
Issues Significant gap in capacity at all levels for knowledge dissemination, effective advocacy for policy change for promotion of sustainable sanitation. Significant lack of qualified local personnel to implement projects at the grass root level. Significant lack of live in examples of sustainable sanitation system for replication and scaling up. Researches not leading to developmental impacts. Lack of environment for innovation and adoption of action research. Lack of knowledge sharing and lessons learned for building capacity.
UNICEF-SEI Project cooperation agreement (PCA) Key Objectives: Advocacy Capacity Development Coordination and knowledge management for sustainable sanitation resource development Comprehensive India centric research on sustainable sanitation Demonstration for replication and scaling up
Initial Success National workshop organized in Delhi. Training of state officials and NGOs in Tamilnadu. Beginning in TN, Karnataka for individual HH latrines as well as public toilet Pilots & masons training in Maharashtra, Jharkhand, UP and Bihar UDDT included as one of the technical options in CRSP of GOI Creation of sustainable sanitation dedicated web page on wes-net India website. Proactive support to involved NGOs for dissemination of sustainable sanitation concept,approach, pilot, demonstration and training.
Exposure visits to program areas for experience sharing and wider replication. Waterless urinals in rural and urban areas and use of urine as fertilizer. Acceptance of home urine diverting latrines in project villages in Tamilnadu and Karnataka
1. Regular communication with stakeholders for promotion of sustainable sanitation 2. Information dissemination and resource support to railways for promotion of waterless urinals at railway stations 3. Promoting waterless urinals in public places. 4. Regular communication and updating with NGOs working for the promotion of sustainable sanitation in India. 5. Sustainable sanitation promotion through workshops/seminars Activities completed/ under process: Advocacy
Capacity Development 1. Technical supervision, support to NGOs by hands on training, field visit, experience sharing and field support activities a. Tamilnadu b. Uttar Pradesh c. Bihar d. Maharashtra e. Leh, Lahaul and Spiti 2.Workshop at Bikaner, Rajasthan including demonstration of EcoSan toilet. 3. Workshop at Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh with Panchayats leaders and district officials for improving the usage of UDDT and its further replication
4. Field mission and workshop with IFAD in Gajapati district of Orissa for inclusion of sustainable sanitation in the ongoing poverty reduction program of OTELP funded by IFAD. 5. Workshop at Calcutta for promotion of UDDT in high water table program area of ‘water for people’ 6. Workshop at Ranchi for promotion of UDDT and productive use of urine and composted faeces for marginalized farmers in Tribal villages. 7. Exposure visit of govt. of India officials, state govt. officials, UNICEF officers and NGOs representative to Stockholm world water week. 8. Demonstration, hands on training for promotion of ecosan in Rural Tourism in Mandala, Madhya Pradesh. 9. Tamilnadu state level sustainable sanitation workshop in Feb Training of state level CCDU officials in four batches at Trichy,Tamilnadu from 15 th Feb to 24 th Feb 2009.
Coordination and knowledge management for sustainable sanitation resource development 1. Publication of fact sheets and its wider dissemination 2. Printing and distribution of ecosan book ( English and Tamil) 3. Printing and distribution of ecosan guide book ( English and Hindi) 4. Development and distribution of Video CD for construction of ecosan toilet 5. Urine harvesting 6. Waterless urinals 7. Database of active NGOs working for the promotion of ecosan 8. Continuous support to manufacturer of ecopan to reduce the cost. 9. Testing of low cost model
Comprehensive research on EcoSan Use of urine as fertilizer on vegetables with Nirmal Gram Nirman Kendra, Nashik Use of urine as fertilizer with National Banana Research Institute TRICHY and SCOPE Trichy Development of water less urinals for male and female with IIT Delhi Creation of centre of excellence in sustainable sanitation research at Gandhi Krishi Vigyan Kendra (GKVK) and Arghyam in Bangalore, Karnataka Development of Ferro cement ecosan pans with Environment and Energy Development Society (EEDS), Bhopal, MP
Comprehensive demonstration and capacity development program with Tamilnadu EcoSan Initiatives, a consortium of 10 NGOs. Demonstration and construction of eco friendly sanitary latrines and roof area rain water conservation system in a Tribal village in Mccluskieganj, Ranchi. Creating a sustainable eco village near Puri, Orissa with all households having the UDDT and reusing the composted faeces and urine in agriculture. Demonstration projects
Demonstration of several low cost UDDT models in a village in Dindigul district, Tamilnadu. Piloting the sustainability of UDDTs in a village adjoining Delhi. Piloting Ecological sanitation in the state of West Bengal in partnership with Water for People. Piloting Ecological sanitation in the state of Nagaland.
Future activities Documentation of Ecosan initiatives for finalizing the road map for scaling up in India in consultation with DDWS, Government of India in line with important events and activities completed during SACOSAN Delhi. Evaluation of Ecosan Program in Tamilnadu and Karnataka for lessons learned, way forward…
Capacity development Sensitization workshop with tea/coffee growers association in Coimbatore for use of urine as fertilizer. Sensitization workshop with Orange growers association in Tripura for the use of human urine as fertilizer. Capacity building of CCDUs for integrating ecosan with ongoing TSC program. Creation of a regional ecosan node for continuous capacity building of organizations working for the promotion of ecosan. Creating a centre of excellence at Gandhi Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bangalore in association with Arghyam. Sensitization workshop with developers and builders on urban ecosan. Exposure visit of UNICEF Officers, research institutions, government officers and NGOs to Philippines for ecosan demonstration. Exposure visit of research institutions, central government officers to SANDEC, Switzerland for ongoing/completed research on urine and its products.
Coordination and knowledge management for ecosan resource development Develop several design options for various models of ecological sanitation for rural and urban setting appropriate to different geographical conditions for individual households, public toilet complex and schools. Generating private manufacturer’s interest in ecosan product and developing a distribution network in all districts. Establishing partnership and networking for continuous ecosan training program for capacity development. Yellow pages on ecological sanitation on India sanitation portal. Translation of ecosan book and compendium of sanitation technologies in Hindi.
Research Research on developing and submitting a proposal for new small scale methodology under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) for claiming Carbon credits from ecological sanitation (urine diverting toilets/waterless urinals) by using human urine as liquid fertilizer. Establishing partnership with M S Swaminathan Research Foundation for taking further the research on urine farming for evidence based advocacy for its contribution in food security. Follow up and information dissemination of undertaken research on ecosan. Research on urine crystallization in India in partnership with water and sanitation in developing countries (SANDEC), Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG), Switzerland. Establishing partnership with International Development Enterprises (India) for developing and testing low cost plastic storage tank for urine.
Demonstration projects Supporting ecosan demonstration program in Manipur, Chhatishgarh, Haryana and Rajasthan. Piloting ecosan with CLTS facilitation technique in Kalyani Municipality, Kolkata, West Bengal. Piloting ecosan toilet in schools in Baramulla, Kashmir. Promotion of modern ecosan in Leh-Ladakh and Lahaul- Spiti Pilot of school Ecosan in NCR Delhi and Punjab. Piloting ecosan public toilet complex in west Bengal in partnership with Ramakrishna Mission. Developing live examples for linking ecosan with agriculture. Supporting ecosan program with OTELP in Orissa in 250 villages. Pilot of ecosan in urban slum in Delhi. Piloting waterless urinals in a city public school in Delhi.
Creating a centre of excellence at IIT, Delhi on Ecosanitation Resource Oriented Sanitation Micro-level Interventions: Technologies, Systems & Small Businesses Macro Issues: Resource Conservation & Impact on Climate Change Outreach: Families, Communities & Government Curriculum
Regional Ecosan Node in Asia SEI establishes first EcoSan node in China in partnership with University of science and Technology, Beijing in Scoping study for the establishment of South Asia node has been completed by KPMG India for the countries Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and India. Till the establishment of node SEI -UNICEF cooperation will support the promotion of EcoSan in India.
SACOSAN III and advocacy for Ecosan Regional workshop on ecological sanitation organized by CAPNET South Asia at Bangalore from th Feb DDWS, Govt. of India organized a National level sustainable sanitation workshop at Delhi in May Taking further the momentum gained in Bangalore and Delhi workshop several events and activities were planned during SACOSAN III from st November 2008 for advocacy and awareness of ecological sanitation in India and the region.
The advocacy was spearheaded by the Prime Minister of India in his opening SACOSAN III speech by emphasizing the need for recycle oriented system. ”We should look upon human waste as a resource to be recycled and reused so that it does not contaminate our land or water.” The father of green revolution in India Dr. M S Swaminathan went beyond sanitation and emphasized the need of recycle based sanitation system for our future food security.” India needs a 2 nd revolution for its growing need of food for 1.2 billion people.” SACOSAN III declaration, “Technologies ( e.g. which requires less water and /or no water) and the practice of ‘reuse and recycle’ of human wastes and solid and liquid wastes ( including conversion into energy), will be promoted.”
“Collaborations with private sector ( including toilet associations and groups of sanitary goods and service providers) will be strengthened in developing sanitation standards, technologies and products that are appropriate, affordable, ecologically- friendly and easily accessible.” India country paper released during SACOSAN III identified the need for alternative sanitation and advocates for the ecological sanitation.
Other Important activities during SACOSAN III Parallel session organized on ecological sanitation. Seven papers were presented in the session and generated a good amount of interest among participants. Side events organized for conducting the scoping study for the establishment of Regional Ecosan node in the region by KPMG. Display of low cost ecopan on UNICEF stall during the SACOSAN III and distribution of leaflets. Display and distribution of Ecosan book, fact sheets, posters and posters made by IIT Delhi on waterless urinals and urine harvesting. SCOPE put up a stall during SACOSAN III for dissemination of information on implemented ecosan projects in Tamilnadu. Launch of dedicated India sanitation Portal during SACOSAN III. Release of “Toilets and More” a reference manual during SACOSAN III by DDWS, Govt. of India.
Thank You Prakash Kumar India