Language and Culture An exploration into the relationship between language and culture.
Fundamental Question a. What is the relationship between language and culture? b. Humans are the only animal to have culture. c. Humans are the only animal to have language. d. How do the two connect?
Different Meanings of Language a. I know I don't speak English correctly. b. Most French-Canadians prefer to speak French, even though they can speak English too. c. T he treaty wasn't ready to sign until both sides had a chance to look over the language. d. A polyglot is someone who knows many languages. A linguist is someone who can analyze language structure. e. English is the most widely-spoken language in the world. f. American thought and language. g. I need to work on my language skills. h. When Fred speaks to Sam, sometimes he uses English and sometimes Arabic.
Three Views of Language o Language as Grammar: o Language as communication: o Language as thing:
Language as Grammar The object of a science of linguistics (Saussure).
Grammar Three sub-systems Representational Phonology (sounds), graphic, gestural Lexical morphology; words and morphemes ( Syn)tactic = syntax
Language as communication Language as Text. The Interaction of People The Interpretation of Texts What do you communicate? Ideas? Emotions? Intentions? How do you communicate? Messages: The interpretation of messages The construction of messages
Language as thing Language as an element in social constructs. Language planning, code switching, dialect debates.
Note: to distinguish between and grammar and communication, look at the following questions: What is the purpose of language (grammar)? Answer = communication What is the purpose of communication? Answer = ??
Grammar v. Communication Langue vparole Structure vevent Structuralv communicative Nomotheticvdialectical
Approaches to language and culture Structural Approaches: Microlinguistics, Whorf, Sociolinguistics, Narrative Structure; Politeness; French Structuralism (Lévi- Strauss). Communicative approaches: Language and power (Fairclough), Social construction of reality (Berger and Luckmann); Language and Symbolic Power (Bourdieu); Pragramatics (Austin, Grice) Use Approaches: Language Planning, Multilingualism, EAE v. AAAE