HHHC9301 Information Management & Life Long Learning Name : Noramira Suhada Binti Abdul Rahman Matric No : A Lecturer : Prof. Madya Dr. Ahmad Fuad Bin Shamsuddin
Introduction My project is English Enhancement Programme, specifically, Lingualphone. Generally, this programme is to enhance my ability to speak in English fluently and correctly. This problem were held in the library. It took severel weeks for me to finish this programme.
What is Lingualphone? Lingual Phone is the programme to enhance our skill to speak in English. By using headphone and the software on the computer, provided at the library, I just need to repeat the sentences given by the model. However, this is not an easy task to do eventhough it seems to be very easy. I need to score at least 60% to success. Any marks below that, considered as fail. The sentences given were basically a simple conversation dialogue used daily. For example, a conversation about holiday.
I am starting my Lingualphone practise
Some of my marks…
Manage to finish all the stages in Unit 3
Progression Week 1
Week 2
Week 3 (Final)
Reflection Throughout this programme, I manage to improve my English skills. Eventhough this programme takes quite a lot of time, but it worth it. Since English is the main language use all over the world, I believe this programme has improve my skill to speak in English a lot. This programme thought me to speak English with correct pronounciation and to use English precisely without any broken English. I think this is a very good programme rather than reading nor writing to enhance our skill in English. In my humble opinion, I think we should implement this activity to every schools in our country to make the students feel more interesting to study English in an attractive way. Lasly, I feel more confident to speak English more fluently and to use proper and well- mannered English (because nowadays I heard many people speak English to say bad words) in my daily life.