The Perceptions of Past and Current UCEDD Directors on Transitioning in and out of the Role of UCEDD Director SPEAKERS Fred Orelove, PhD, Former Director, Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University Hill Walker, PhD, Former Director, University of Oregon UCEDD George Jesien, PhD, Executive Director, Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
Overview Results of interviews of 5 past and 5 newer UCEDD Directors Key considerations in planning a transition Why are transitions so difficult? Questions & answers 2
Interview Results Fred Orelove, PhD Former Director, Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University 3
Phone interviews with 5 former, 5 recent directors (7 different UCEDDs) Range of geography, center size Asked prepared questions UCEDD Director Transition Survey 4
All 5 directors long-serving 3 had long transition process; 2 short time 3 conducted search; 2 appointed from within Director role in process varied, but usually had strong role University officials were key Transition steps contingent on time available Results: Former Directors 5
Stability of center important Information, preparation varied widely Would have liked: –Clarity on budgets –Clear organizational chart –Better understanding of staff, university roles –Better sense of the center Results: New Directors 6
Better preparation for job: –Finance, personnel within university –Visiting other centers Helpful to be introduced to state officials Advice for directors preparing to leave: –Succession planning; grooming internal person –Organize, summarize information, files New Director Results (cont’d) 7
Succession planning critical, but no guarantee for internal successor to handle job Technical assistance to out-going director, program can be very useful External mentor for new director can be very helpful Many approaches to succession, no one way guarantees success Final Thoughts 8
Key Considerations Hill Walker, PhD Former Director, University of Oregon UCEDD 9
Goals of the Transition Process Continue a successful program Leverage a program change of direction Use of transition process to recruit a UCEDD director who can serve other university, college or school needs and priorities 10
Timing of Transitions Establish a long lead-time to lay adequate groundwork with: –departmental/college administrators, university office of research administration, affirmative action, human resources, office of the provost and other units as appropriate Transitions occurring in concert with 5- year core grant applications Transitions occurring during a current 5- year grant cycle 11
Role of the Outgoing Director Lead role versus limited or no involvement Continued UCEDD participation versus full retirement or other assignment Advisory functions 12
Factors Impacting Success Host university perception of program and current director Availability of interested pool of qualified candidates Tensions between UCEDD mission and departmental and/or college priorities 13
Factors Impacting Success 2 Extent to which host institution has a written policy on replacement of Institute and Center Directors and adheres to same Willingness of host university (at various administrative levels) to offer incentives to potential new director at the time of recruitment 14
Why are transitions so difficult? George Jesien, PhD Executive Director, Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) 15
UCEDD Leadership Transition: Why can it be so difficult?
Because a Director plays so many roles and functions 17
Because she/he touches and influences at so many levels 20
Spheres of Knowledge and Influence policies practices/processes organizations colleagues staff department/ school institution community state 21
UCEDD Leadership A UCEDD Leader influences, promotes and moves individuals, practices and policies toward the achievement of the ADA and DD Act vision of full participation, integration of all people with disabilities into the social and economic fabric of our society. 22
Because there are responsibilities in so many areas 23
UCEDD Director University Administration Community: Local & State State Agencies Colleagues & Employees Legislature Families & Individuals With Disabilities Public Federal Agencies 24
University Community Intra & Interdepartmental engagement & responsibility Administrative Report – Provost, Dean, Dept. Head Grants & Contract Administration – Business Office Recruitment, Diversity, Hiring, Personnel Polices, Merit Space & location Promotion & Tenure Personal research agenda & publications Liaison with other state campuses 25
Does the director have to do all of these? No But yes to some extent…….. Or have good people who can work as a team to cover these areas Also, don’t have to do all at the same time Each adds: –to your capacity, –potential for impact and –ability to secure the resources to carry out your mission 26
Because one may have little control over process 27
Search & Selection Process Often run by outside chair & academic search committee who may: –Have incomplete knowledge of roles, functions and expectations for director –Lack of full understanding of need for continual resource development –Minimize the importance of local and state partners and expectations of funders –Inadequate understanding of complexities of position and the numerous constituencies involved –Have insufficient knowledgeable input & meaningful participation Who may be outside of one’s control or guidance 28
Steps to make it easier 29
Consider doing the following: Plan – personally and jointly with center/program leadership –Unpack the position – responsibilities, relationships, areas of function –Bus or Tahiti exercise – what if? –Distribute opportunities for new learning and role development Educate – potential search committee members, deans, departments heads Talk to others that have gone through the process Consider bringing in a outsider Envision the transition as a platform to launch new opportunities! 30
Contacts Fred OreloveGeorge Jesien Hill WalkerDawn Rudolph > Leadership Development 32