Measuring Loyalty and Happiness Alumni Affairs March 2011
1,400 events
70,000 opportunities
She’s smiling, she likes us!
How can we quantify this?
Net Promoter Score Based on your experience at this event, how likely are you to recommend a similar event to another Cornellian?
Net Promoter Score
Percentage of (10 + 9) MINUS Percentage of ( ) EQUALS NPS
Example ( ) -MINUS- ( ) = NPS of 47.1%
Representing NPS at various levels SM The NPS emoticons are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc. ® Net Promoter, Net Promoter Score and NPS are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld Net Promoter Score 25%Net Promoter Score 75%
IndustryAverage Airlines15% Grocery Stores49% Cable TV-3% Credit cards9% Health insurance-5%
CompanyScore Jet Blue60% Wegman’s78% Apple72% Verizon13% USAA Home Insurance 78%
36% = CEN Webinars 63% = CEN 45% = CSV 56% = DJS Conversations 52% = Faculty Online Conversations 26% = CACO Webinars 71% = PCCW’s Annual Meeting 41% = CALC % = TCAM 2010