CONFIDENTIALITY © 2010 BA ValueBASE LLP, The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to BA ValueBASE LLP. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the express written permission of BA ValueBASE LLP is prohibited. Business Analysis – Level II SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP “Creation” + “Approach for re-creation” Approach defines Who Does What When and How PROCESS “Creation of software” + “Approach for its re-creation” Approach defines Who - Role Does What - Activity When – Workflow and How - Guideline SOFTWARE ENGINEERING PROCESS Engineering?
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Code and unit test Design Subsystem integration System test Traditional Waterfall Process Requirements analysis V-Process Pitfalls Define all the requirements before development starts Customer sees the product only at the end !! Results in expensive overruns and possible cancellation Resource loading – a big issue Changes in requirements – tough to accommodate; unplanned iterations!! Late discovery of serious project flaws–functionality, performance, etc. Measures progress by assessing work-products that are poor predictors of time-to-completion Delays and aggregates integration and testing Software Engineering Processes
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Requirements Initial Planning Analysis & Design Implementation Deployment Test Evaluation Management Environment Iterative Process Each iteration results in an executable release What? Based on Barry Boehm’s Spiral Model Process consists of a sequence of incremental steps, or iterations. Each iteration has all of the development disciplines (requirements, analysis, design, implementation, etc.) Each iteration also has a well- defined set of objectives. Each iteration produces a partial working implementation of the final system. Successive iteration builds on the work of previous iterations to evolve and refine the system until the final product is complete. Software Engineering Processes
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Requireme n t s Initial Planning Analysis & Design Implementation Deployment Test Evaluation Manag e m e n t Enviro n m e n t Iterative Process Code and unit test Design Subsystem integration System test Traditional Waterfall Process Requirements analysis Legend: Rx : Requirement for use case x Dx : Design for use case x Cx : Coding for use case x Tx : Testing for use case x Comparison
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Architecture Validation Architecture problems identified Comparison Requireme n t s Initial Planning Analysis & Design Implementation Deployment Test Evaluation Manag e m e n t Enviro n m e n t Iterative Process Code and unit test Design Subsystem integration System test Traditional Waterfall Process Requirements analysis
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Testing Test Automation Comparison Requireme n t s Initial Planning Analysis & Design Implementation Deployment Test Evaluation Manag e m e n t Enviro n m e n t Iterative Process Code and unit test Design Subsystem integration System test Traditional Waterfall Process Requirements analysis
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Requirements Initial Planning Analysis & Design Implementation Deployment Test Evaluation Management Environment Iterative Process What is it NOT? Risk based approach!!! GREAT PROCESS THEN WHY RUP? Processes
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP What is RUP? It is an Iterative Use Case Driven Architecture Centric Software development process Defines 9 Disciplines, each with Detailed Workflow and Activities Performed by specific Roles Producing specific Artifacts 4 Phases, each having ‘n’ iterations RISK based approach Rational Unified Process
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP RUP Best Practices Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architecture Model Visually Continuously Verify Quality Manage Change Rational Unified Process
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP In an iteration, you walk through all disciplines. Rational Unified Process
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Planned (Technical) Visibility Points INCEPTIONELABORATIONCONSTRUCTIONTRANSITION Preliminary Iteration Architecture Iteration #1 Architecture Iteration #2 Development Iteration #1 Development Iteration #2 Development Iteration #3 Transition Iteration #1 Transition Iteration #2 Acceptance or End of Life Product Sufficiently Mature for Customers to Use (Build the solution) Architectural Baseline (Understand the solution) Scope and Business Case Agreement (Understand the problem) Planned (Business) Decision Points RUP Phases and Iterations
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Inception - What to build, Who wants it, Why do they want it, What value does it provides to them Elaboration - Address project’s highest risks, Demonstrate technical feasibility Construction - Build software, Deliver working software to the customer at end of each iteration within construction phase Transition - Prepare to deploy software, Develop Documentation, Training, Customer support InceptionElaborationConstructionTransition Lifecycle Objective Milestone Lifecycle Architecture Milestone Initial Operational Capability Milestone Product Release time RUP Phases
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Agile Manifesto Definitely Valuable More Valuable
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Guiding Principles behind Agile Manifesto early and continuous delivery of valuable software 1.Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software 2.Welcome changing requirements, even late in development 2.Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage 3.Deliver working software frequently shorter timescale 3.Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale 4.Business people and developers must work together daily 4.Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project 5.Build projects around motivated individuals 5.Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done is face-to-face conversation 6.The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation primary measure of progress 7.Working software is the primary measure of progress 8.Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely technical excellence and good design 9.Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility 10.Simplicity- 10.Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential from self-organizing teams 11.The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams the team reflects on how to become more effective 12.At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP Where does Agile Fit? Agile works well with complicated, complex projects that need to adapt to changes Waterfall works with well defined and unchanging projects
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP ValueREAPER – Requirements Engineering Approach for Predictable and Enhanced Results PLAN DISCOVER SCOPE DETAIL REVIEWTRANSITION ASSESS To plan the BA Approach Artifacts: Requirements Management Plan Interfaces: Sponsor, EA, PM To understand Business Needs Artifacts: Process Maps, Problem Statement, Prioritized Business Requirements Interfaces: SMEs, EA/SA, PM To develop Solution Reqs. Artifacts: Pr. SH Reqs., Scope Model, Use Case Model, Domain Model, Traceability Matrix Interfaces: SMEs, Users, IA, SA, DA, PM To detail Solution Reqs. Artifacts: Pr. Soln. Reqs. Use Cases, UI Design, Bus. Rules, Reports Traceability Matrix Interfaces: SMEs, IA, DA, PM To verify & validate Solution Reqs. Artifacts: Review Log, Sign Off Record Interfaces: Sponsor, SMEs, PM To transition Impl. team Artifacts: Issue Log, Traceability Matrix Interfaces: PM, IA, DA, SA, TL, Dev, QA To validate developed solution Artifacts: Change Request Tracker, Impact Analysis, Acceptance Criteria Interfaces: SMEs, QA, TL, Dev, PM UNDERLYING BA COMPETENCIES CONSISTENT PREDICTABLE ITERATIVE
© 2011 BA ValueBASE LLP ValueREAPER – BABOK V2.0 Alignment PLAN DISCOVER SCOPE DETAIL REVIEWTRANSITION ASSESS Enterprise Analysis Elicitation Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Enterprise Analysis Elicitation Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Enterprise Analysis Elicitation Req. Analysis Req. Management and Comm. Elicitation Req. Analysis Req. Management and Comm. Elicitation Req. Analysis Req. Management and Comm. Elicitation Req. Analysis Req. Management and Comm. Solution Assessment and Validation Elicitation Req. Analysis Req. Management and Comm. Solution Assessment and Validation UNDERLYING BA COMPETENCIES BABOK V2.0 KNOWLEDGE AREAS CONSISTENT PREDICTABLE ITERATIVE
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