Holocaust Memorial Day Assembly Learning lessons from the past to create a safer, better future hmd.org.uk hmd_uk hmd.uk Click here
Holocaust Memorial Day Assembly Learning lessons from the past to create a safer, better future hmd.org.uk hmd_uk hmd.uk
Keep the memory Alive
Ceija Stojka ©Forget us Not ©Bundesarchive
Ceija Stojka ©Forget us Not ©Wiener Library
Ceija Stojka ©Forget us Not
Ceija Stojka ©Forget us Not ‘If the world does not change now, if the world does not open it’s doors and windows, if it does not build peace – true peace – so that my great-grandchildren have a chance to live in this world, then I cannot explain why I survived Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, and Ravensbrück.’