By Paul
Elephants are browsing animals, feeding on fruit, leaves, shoots and tall grass They consume hundreds of pounds of food a day and drink up to 50 gal (190 liters)of water. They will graze on grass or reach up into trees to grasp leaves, fruit, or entire branches When an elephant becomes very old, the last set of teeth is worn to stumps, and it must rely on softer foods to chew. Very elderly elephants often spend their last years exclusively in marshy areas where they can feed on soft wet grass Elephants are herbivores,, spending 16 hours a day collecting plant food. Their diet is at least 50% grass, supplemented with leaves, bamboo, twigs, bark, roots, and small amounts of fruit, seeds and flowers FOOD
SIZE The largest African elephants are 7.5 m (25 ft) long, including the trunk. They have a 1.4-m (4.5-ft) tail, stand 4 m (13 ft) tall at the shoulders, and weigh 7,500 kg (16,500 lb). The biggest Asian elephants are 6 m (20 ft) long with a 1.5-m (5-ft) tail, stand 3 m (10 ft) tall at the shoulders, and weigh 5,000 kg (11,000 lb). Most African Bush Elephant males are between ten and eleven feet tall and weigh around eleven thousand pounds. The largest ever bush elephant was 13 feet tall. The heaviest was cut up and weighed in at 14,169 lbs. African forest elephants are much smaller and since very little is known about them I do not know their maximum size, however, my sorces say that they mostly get only around 7,000 lbs.
Elephants contain valuable parts such as ivory, large bones and meat. Poachers will hunt and kill elephant after elephant just to obtain these precious valuables to sell or to own Poachers do not care that they are ruthlessly killing a beautiful species, they only seem to care about the price of money they get for the tropheys that they have collected from their murders It is illegal to poach elephants so ivory, bones and meat is usually sold on the black market. Another reason is that elephants also have dental problems because throughout their life, an elephant's teeth will wear out and then they grow new ones But when their teeth finally wear out for good, they can no longer eat food that they require and they die of starvation They also kill elephants for there tusks to make medcene I mean why kill them when you can put them to sleep and cut there tusks of so they will regrow so there will be more medicene Why are elephants becoming extinct?
can help the elephants maybe by writing a letter to a circuis that has an elephant asking them to set it free By caring for them for starters And put poachers in jail.... Imagine.. A world out there, free from poachers and murderers I think the most improtant thing is that we should give the elephants a suitable environment.(like an elephant farm) If we couldn't do that, at least we should not occupy their living give them enough space to live. Also we need to arrange some organization, to protect elephants and prevent poacher to kill the elephant for ivory, meat and tucks So what are you going to do to help? What can we do to help?