The Judicial System Duties of the Courts
The Responsibilities of the Canadian courts are: 1. Interpret the Laws made by the Legislative and Executive Branches 2. Settle disputes between individuals and conflicts between individuals and the government.
Duties of the Courts Judges: Appointed by the executive branch. Never elected. They are independent of the other branches of government and hold their positions for life (until 75 yrs of age). Insures that they are impartial.
The Court System Supreme Court of Canada Final Appeal Court for all Civil and Criminal Court Cases. Addresses any Constitutional issues. Can select the cases it hears. Federal Court Deals with tax, patents, customs cases, and immigration.
The Court System Court of Ontario Superior Court of Justice: Criminal prosecution. Serious offences. Divisional Court: Reviews decisions of admin. Boards, tribunals, and public servants. Ontario Court of Appeals: Hears requests to overturn decisions from lower courts. Small Claims: Claims up to $10,000 Ontario Court of Justice: Criminal Law: 96% of Criminal Cases. Minor offences in Provincial Law Family Court: Family Matters (Child Custody, Divorce) Justice of the Peace: Prosecution of provincial offences.