ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Austria’s Internationalisation Agency SEMINARIUM: Przedsiębiorco, eksportuj! Christina Schösser, Ambasada Austrii - Wydział Handlowy.


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Presentation transcript:

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Austria’s Internationalisation Agency SEMINARIUM: Przedsiębiorco, eksportuj! Christina Schösser, Ambasada Austrii - Wydział Handlowy 24 Kwietnia 2012, Warszawa

Contents ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA — Who are we? Importance of exports to the Austrian economy ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA— What do we do? go-international Cooperation between Austria and Poland

The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Entrusted with governmental responsibilities: statutory obligation to promote foreign trade Financed through membership contributions not tax revenue Creation of a customer-oriented service organisation … and its international arm, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Lobbying Business development Knowledge transfer at home and abroad

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA — Internationalisation agency for the Austrian economy Encouraging international activities by identifying business opportunities abroad Supports cross-border commercial activities Positions Austria globally as an attractive business location and a reliable business partner Worldwide Business Support  400,000 companies  40,000 export businesses

Facts and Figures 115 offices in 70 countries 750 employees 80 nationalities 1,200 ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA events 1,100 ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA publications 22,000 Austrian companies 60+ years’ experience Global business support

Contents ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA — Who are we? Importance of exports to the Austrian economy ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA— What do we do? go-international Cooperation between Austria and Poland

Importance of Austrian exports EUR bn export of goods 2011 (+11.7%) EUR bn import of goods 2011 (+15.0%) 40,000 exporters: 10% of all Austrian companies 56.6% export sales ratio (2011): 5 in every 10 EUR USD export per capita: world’s 8 th largest exporter EUR bn outward FDI stocks 2010 EUR bn inward FDI stocks 2010 Exports account for EUR 3.5bn of additional public sector income GDP growth rate of 2.0% is export-related Sources: 1) Statistics Austria, 2) AWO, 3) UNO, 4) WTO

Who offers export support? Austrian Federal Government Business Framework Trade Policy Export Credit Guarantees and Export Financing Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO)... and its international arm ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA AWO PLUS – ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Platform together with regional chambers of commerce International network of service centres and marketing offices Private Prisma Kreditversicherungs AG, Coface Austria etc. Consultants, Principal bankers, forwarding agents …

Contents ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA — Who are we? Importance of exports to the Austrian economy ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA— What do we do? go-international Cooperation between Austria and Poland

Service for Austrian exporters Coaching Advice. Support. Guidance. Information Learn more. Faster. Around 1,100 publications Events Making the right connections. 1,200 events a year

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Coaching Advice. Support. Guidance ADVICE AT HOME Initial consultation ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Meetings Market analysis SUPPORT ABROAD 22,000 customers Market entry strategy In-market support Investment advice International procurement Debt recovery

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA — Information about foreign markets 9,6 million hits AWO-NEWS: about 150,000 subscribers EXPORTER’S WEEKLY: 53,000 subscribers EXPORTER’S: 2 times a year editions about 20,000 copies each about 1,100 publications: Economic Profile Country Profile/Report Special Profile/Report Industry Profile/Report

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA events abroad 2011 Group Exhibitions:74 Trade Missions:24 Fact-Finding Missions:72 Austria Showcase:80 Catalogue Exhibitions: Austrian Business Circle: Others:231 Events abroad:826

Contents ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA — Who are we? Importance of exports to the Austrian economy ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA— What do we do? go-international Cooperation between Austria and Poland

go-international Structure go-international is a joint initiative by the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber implementation through Advantage Austria Objectives motivate new SMEs to internationalize support experienced companies with developing new business in new markets – mainly overseas promote the export of services (e.g. educational services, creative industries) promote Austrian FDIs in future markets create a modern image of Austria through targeted PR

go-international Financial ressources (2004 – 2013) go-international I: EUR 40 mio. Contract Period: 2004 – March 2009 go-international II: EUR 38 mio. Contract Period: April 2009 – March 2011 go-international III: EUR 35 mio. Contract Period: April 2011 – March 2013

go-international: 5 clusters 2011 – 2013 Cluster 1: How to do business abroad Cluster 2: Strenghten strenghts Cluster 3: Exporting know-how Cluster 4: From exporting to integrated value-chains Cluster 5: Communicating Austria 

Contents ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA — Who are we? Importance of exports to the Austrian economy ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA— What do we do? go-international Cooperation between Austria and Poland

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA— Information for foreign markets 20 million hits (2010) company presentations: 13,000 business opportunities in 28 languages International newsletters: circulation of about 66,882 (30 Trade Commissions) Fresh View/Austria Export: 6 editions (243 in total, 2010) various print publications: e.g. Austria your Business Partner

Austria’s Internet Platform — Overview 196 country sites 28 languages (special focus on East European languages) 10 Content Partners Market place with profiles of 18,000 Austrian businesses Business opportunities with more detailed company information Listings of all events abroad with details of participating companies Overview of 30 industry sectors

Business Opportunities events in Poland and Austria (B2B talks, trade missions, fact finding missions, seminars etc.) industry focus (environmental technologies, construction, energy and energy infrastructure, tourism) publication of business opportunities on two websites (Austrian companies on and Polish companies on -  “Geschäftschancen”) Ambasada RP w Wiedniu - Wydział Promocji Handlu i Inwestycji

Thank you for your attention and every success for the future! Any questions? Christina Schösser Ambasada Austrii - Wydział Handlowy Królewska 16, PL Warszawa T , F E W