Plants and Water By: Angela Tang and Kendra Mahabir Living Environment Class Mr. Alverio
Problem: Do different types of Mineral water affect the growth of pea plants?
Purpose Our purpose for choosing this experiment is to learn if different types of water will affect the growth of pea plants. We choose this project because we wanted to test if certain water will help the same plants to grow.
Research 1. Peas are round, light green and are generally the size of a pencil eraser. 2. Pea plants grows vertically to about six feet tall. 3. Peas may be planted whenever the soil temperature is at least 45 degrees Fahrenheit. 4. There are three different types of peas (snow peas, snap peas, garden peas) Peas give the body a wide variety of nutrients.
Hypothesis Pea seeds watered with mineral water will grow the fastest because the nutrients in the water will help the seeds grow.
Variables & Constants Independent variables Different mineral water to each pot Constants The same four small pots The same amount of soil in each pot the same amount of seeds in planted in each pot Dependent Variables The height and the growing rate of the plants when watered.
2 Groups Experimental Group = Group that will receive any treatment Control Group = Group that will not receive the treatment.
Materials 4 small identical pots About 24 pea seeds 1 cup of soil per pot Seltzer water Mineral water Bottle water Sugar water (1/3 tsp. of sugar)
Procedure The pots are filled with 1 cup of soil in each About six seeds are in planted in each pot The seeds are watered with either seltzer, mineral, sugar (1/3 tsp.), and bottle water Step 3 is repeated for about 3-4 weeks Observations and activities are recorded
Data Table Experimental group Mineral Water Plant Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4 0 in 0 cm 8 in 20 cm 10 in 24 cm 12 in 1 ft 30 cm Experimental group Seltzer Water Plant 0 in 0 cm 7 in 17 cm 9 in 23 cm 9 in 23 cm Experimental group Sugar Water Plant 0 in 0 cm 4 in 10 cm 8 in 20 cm 10 in 25 cm Control Group Bottle Water Plant 0 in 0 cm 6 in 15 cm 10 in 24 cm 11 in 27 cm
Photos/Pictures Mineral Water PlantSeltzer Water Plant M
Photos/Pictures Sugar Water Plant Bottle Water Plant
Analysis of Data The results of our experiment was that the plant watered with mineral water grew the fastest and the tallest. The plant watered with bottled water grew in second. The seltzer water grew in third. The sugar water grew in fourth place.
Reflection and Error Analysis A possible error in this experiment could be that we did not put enough soil in the pots, and we did not put the right amount of water for the seeds to grow. Another possible error was we put too much water in the plant and not enough sugar in the sugar water.
Conclusion In this experiment, the plants grew at different rates with the different waters. The mineral water helped the pea seeds to grow the fastest. Our hypothesis was correct because the plant watered with mineral water grew to 12 in, 30 cm, which is the highest height of all the plants.
Bibliography Title: How to Grow Peas Internet sources URL: ndveg_growingpeas1.shtml. ndveg_growingpeas1.shtml Date found: 3/21/10 Title: Senior Study: Vegetables, Peas Internet sources URL: Date found: 3/17/10 Title: Gardening With Heirloom Seeds : Tried-and-True Flowers, Fruits, and Vegetables for a New Generation Author: Lynn Coulter