Background and Introduction Add more activities and alter the template to fit your program
Your name and/or agency here Based on Myers-Walls, Ballard, Darling, and Myers-Bowman, 2011
Background Mini-lecture Sharing Stories Completing the Grid Exploring the DFP Model Add other components as appropriate
Rights: To be heard and share your ideas. To pass if you choose not to share. To be exposed to quality teaching techniques. Responsibilities: To respect the contributions of others. To provide feedback. To take charge of your own learning.
How the Domains of Family Practice model came to be ◦ Created by four FLE professors ◦ Concerned about confusion regarding FLE ◦ All had used Doherty’s LFI model, but were not satisfied with it LFI suggests some roles are more advanced FLE definitions in LFI were not consistent with NCFR A new model—Domains of Family Practice
When have you struggled with the definition of your current or future role with families? Consider the roles of Family Life Education, Family Therapy, and Family Case Management as you think of your stories.
Look at the blank grid on the wall Examine the description you are given. Place each sheet where you think it belongs in the grid. Look at the placements. Do you think they are correct?
Question Family Life Education’s Responses Family Therapy’s Responses Family Case Management’s Reponses Why? Purpose & goals of work with families To increase knowledge and develop skills so families may build on their strengths to function at their optimal levels To ameliorate relationship problems and mental or emotional disorders to achieve stable, long-term, emotionally enriching family relationships To help families negotiate systems, understand and comply with legal and regulatory requirements to increase family safety, permanence and well- being What? Content base & foundation Family and life-span theory and research in the 10 FLE content areas; learning, pedagogical or andragogical and educational philosophies and methodologies Family and relationship theory and research; therapy-focused philosophies and methodologies Case management theories and methodologies; research and information about social systems, resources, and policies; information about family dysfunction When? The timing of work with families Deal with current family needs and challenges to prepare for and improve current and future family functioning Cope with past and current family problems focusing on past causes and patterns to improve current and future family functioning Deal with current problems and immediate crises For Whom? Target population for services Any individual or family willing and able to function in an educational environment and committed to learning Individuals, couples and families who have been diagnosed with functional difficulties who are willing to participate in a therapeutic environment Families identified as being at risk or who demonstrate a need for assistance in meeting legal and societal regulations How? Techniques & methods used Assess family-related educational needs; set goals based on family needs and strengths; can occur in a variety of settings; teach about knowledge, attitudes and skills; families-- individually or in groups -- are active in the learning process Diagnose family problems; identify a treatment plan guided by particular theories or philosophies; occurs in private settings; establish a therapeutic alliance with one family at a time; families have input but little or no interaction with other families Assess family functioning; set goals to fill gaps in family functioning; occurs in the field; coordinate community services while monitoring compliance, difficulties, and successes; families (may include extended family) participate in services but rarely interact with other families Domains of Family Practice © 2011 NCFR
The answers to the questions Why, What, When, and For Whom lead to the methods and techniques listed under How in the DFP table.
What will you do with the information and experiences from this workshop? ◦ Review and refine your mission statement(s)? ◦ Rewrite job announcements and descriptions? ◦ Share the information with others at work? ◦ Expand your referral and collaboration network? ◦ Change the way you work with others? Be specific in your goals. Include HOW you will accomplish them.