Focus Vocabulary 9/2-9/5
Focus Words for 10.1.2 antagonistic indolent prodigal sartorial exigent
antagonistic: Definition: showing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something Part of Speech: adjective Synonyms: combative; hostile Antonyms: helpful; favorable
Sentence using the word antagonistic: Because of her antagonistic behavior on the soccer field, opponents feared her; others questioned her integrity.
student sentences using the word antagonistic:
indolent: Definition: wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy Part of Speech: adjective Synonyms: lazy; languid; lethargic Antonyms: industrious; diligent; hard-working
sentences using the word indolent: Only Marge’s bribe of doughnuts could motivate the indolent Homer to help with chores.
student sentences using the word indolent:
prodigal Definition: carelessly and foolishly spending money, time, etc. Part of Speech: adjective Synonyms: reckless; excessive; extravagant Antonyms: thrifty; modest; careful
sentences using the word prodigal: The prodigal child always spent her allowance the minute she earned it.
student sentences using the word prodigal:
sartorial Definition: of or relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress. Part of Speech: adjective Synonyms: stylish; elegant; impeccable; sharp Antonyms: dumpy; frumpy; unstylish
sentences using the word sartorial: When he arrived at the wedding in cut-off shorts, they accused him of having poor sartorial taste.
student sentences using the word sartorial:
exigent: Definition: requiring immediate attention; needing to be dealt with immediately Part of Speech: adjective Synonyms: imperative; critical; necessary Antonyms: ordinary; facile; unpressured
sentences using the word exigent: Exigent matters required that he turn off his cell phone and get to the business at hand.
student sentence using the word exigent: