Welcome to Schmalz Elementary! Home of the Sharks! Facebook page
MEET Our Principal Mrs. Shipley is our wonderful principal at Schmalz Elementary. Mrs. Shipley has been our principal for three years and she has done great things for our staff and our students. Mrs. Shipley believes all students have the power to dream big for their futures. She has built professional relationships with our staff. Our students all look up to her and see her as a great educational role model. Mrs. Shipley’s Shark Scoop Mrs. Shipley, Mrs. Greaux, Mr. Fraily (KISD Superintendent), Mrs. Cashion, Mrs. White (from left to right).
Our Vision Schmalz Elementary School will work collaboratively with parents and community to provide a safe, supportive and inclusive learning environment in which parents are involved, students are challenged and teachers are dedicated to the belief that every child will learn. The implementation of an aligned comprehensive curriculum, partnered with a sincere commitment, will offer each child academic preparation and the opportunity to become productive and continuous learners, effective communicators, good citizens, and valued leaders of the future. Mission statement: http://www.katyisd.org/campus/SES/Pages/AboutUs.aspx Photos: Microsoft Clipart
our shark family (staff) Schmalz Elementary has a huge shark family. Our teachers and staff are all highly qualified educators. As educators, we always do what is best for our students. Our educators collaborate and work consistently towards one common goal; student success. Length of service: Schmalz Elementary has 105 teachers in total on campus. We have about 19 teachers that have been in education for 20 years. 13 teachers who have been educators for more than 20 years. Most of our teacher have been a part of Schmalz Elementary since it opened in 2007. Staff Demographics Our college board: Displays the different universities our teachers went to. The board is exhibited in the main hallway to motivate students to learn and enroll in a university and become a future leader.
Student Demographics Schmalz Elementary School is a diverse campus. We have students from all over the world and different nationalities. At Schmalz Elementary School, we care dearly about all our students. Teachers and staff work closely with parents and families to help create a interactive and life-long learning environment for all. Student Demographics Photos borrowed from: Microsoft Clipart
Student Learning (data) At Schmalz Elementary School, our students and teachers work hard to achieve student success. Our teachers are consistent and work hard with students who are academically behind. Our students make an effort in improving everyday. During the 2013-2014 school year, our school earned a distinction for being one of the top 25 percent closing performance gaps schools in the STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) Test. Our campus also met standards on student achievement, student progress, and postsecondary readiness performances. Accountability Summary AEIS Report (Scores) Photos borrowed from: Microsoft Clipart
Check out what our students do! Photo borrowed from: Microsoft Clipart
Pre-K & Kindergarten fun At Schmalz we have so much fun in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. Our teachers are sweet, caring and want what is best for our students. Pre-K is only offered for bilingual students and students go only half a day. Kindergarten students go all day and do many enriching activities. Visit our page for our weekly schedule Photos borrowed from: http://www.katyisd.org/campus/SES/Pages/default.aspx
1st grade & 2nd grade sharks Second Grade is ready to show students a world full of wonder. Our second grade curriculum is of high quality and the teachers collaborate to reach student goals. Check us out! 1st grade rocks! Our first grade teachers are dedicated in doing what is best for our students. They collaborate and plan together in order to achieve the highest level of academic success. Come see our page! Photos borrowed from: http://www.katyisd.org/campus/SES/Pages/default.aspx
3rd, 4th, & 5th grade Rock stAars Ready for the STAAR Test (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) Meet our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers. They are all great and a lot of fun. Our teachers are committed to educate and support our students in every way. Our students become rock-staars when they take the STAAR Test. Come on over and check out our weekly schedule. Join us in becoming superheroes! Together we will ace the STAAR test (hyperlinked ) May the 4th be with you! (hyperlinked ) Photos borrowed from: http://www.katyisd.org/campus/SES/Pages/default.aspx
Special programs Schmalz Elementary School is a wonderful campus to be a part of. We offer many different programs and activities throughout the school year. Check out some of our programs! Special Education classes Bilingual classes Chess club Morning tutoring taught by our own teachers. Music and art always create and implement grade level plays and performances. P.E. (Physical Education) classes are always working hard toward raising money for different charities. Mrs. Shipley meets with a group of students each month (Mrs. Shipley’s Shark Corner). Every month we have a Core Essentials breakfast to celebrate students who have shown kindness, courage, humility, and perseverance (shown below).
Special programs (continued) Our most recent activity was an activity to raise money for diabetes. Our students worked hard to raise money. Our students together with the P.E. department established goals for the fundraiser. The first goal was to meet $7,000 dollars. If the students raised up $7,000 dollars, they would all get a popsicle party. Now the big goal was to raise more than $10,000 dollars. If the students raised more than $10,000 dollars, our music teacher was going to get a mohawk haircut. Well…guess what?! Our school raised $10,424!! Our end result! Chess Club Morning tutoring Chess club and tutoring photos borrowed from Clip Art.
Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Our PTA is great! We have more than 40 volunteers and parents that help our school community become a better place. Our PTA is always accepting new members. The PTA volunteers are constantly planning new ways to involve the student’s and their families. If you are interested in learning more about our PTA, follow us on Facebook and check out our volunteer forms. We would love to have you become a part of our Shark family. PTA Volunteer form PTA Volunteer form (Spanish) Join us every Wednesday! Facebook
Helpful Resources Schmalz Elementary (SES) Student Handbook 2014-2015 Discipline Management and Student Code of Conduct Campus Improvement Plan 2014-2015 Responsible Use Guidelines for Technology SES School Supplies List