FY 2008 Port Security Grant Program United States Coast Guard and FEMA Grant Programs Directorate Area Maritime Security Committee Briefing
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 2 DHS Port Security Grant Program Overview PSGP Funding Timeline Key Updates Eligibility Port Security Priorities Port Wide Risk Management Planning Grants.gov Summary
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 3 Homeland Security Grant Programs (HSGP) - State Homeland Security Program - Urban Areas Security Initiative Program - Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program - Metropolitan Medical Response System - Citizen Corps Program Infrastructure protection activities - Buffer Zone Protection Program - Intercity Bus Security Grant Program - Port Security Grant Program - Transit Security Grant Program - Trucking Security Program FY 2008 Grant Programs Overview
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 4 Grant programs strengthen the security of our nation’s infrastructure through: - Laws, strategy documents, plans - Policy directives: National Preparedness Guidelines National Infrastructure Protection Plan National Strategy for Transportation Security National Strategy for Maritime Security Coordination is facilitated through: - FEMA – Grant Programs Directorate - Transportation Security Administration - United States Coast Guard - Department of Transportation (MARAD) - Industry FY 2008 Grant Programs
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 5 DHS Port Security Grant Program Overview PSGP Funding Timeline Key Updates Eligibility Port Security Priorities Port Wide Risk Management Planning Grants.gov Summary
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 6 FY 2008 PSGP Funding GroupFunding Group I$210,649,989 Group II$134,049,701 Group III$19,150,310 All Other Port Areas$19,150,000 Ferry Systems$5,600,000 Total PSGP$388,600,000
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 7 DHS Port Security Grant Program Overview PSGP Funding Timeline Key Updates Eligibility Port Security Priorities Port Wide Risk Management Planning Grants.gov Summary
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 8 FY 2008 PSGP Timeline February 1, 2008 Application Period Opens *Completed applications must be received on Grants.gov by 11:59pm EDT on March 17, 2008 February 16, 2008 FA Option Decision Due March 17, 2008* Application Due Date Late Spring 2008 Announcement of Awards
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 9 DHS Port Security Grant Program Overview PSGP Funding Timeline Key Updates Eligibility Port Security Priorities Port Wide Risk Management Planning Grants.gov Summary
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 10 Groups I and II - Port allocations are based on results of FY 2008 Risk Analysis - Ports will adopt a strategic purpose while implementing a port wide risk management/mitigation and continuity of operations plan - A higher level of Federal involvement through Cooperative Agreements Fiduciary Agent (FA) Requirement/Option - New port areas in Group II, must identify a FA to apply for funding - Existing Groups I and II port areas have the option of: Continuing with their current FA Selecting a new FA* Opting out of the FA process** *Because the FA represents the interests of the entire AMSC, it is highly recommended that AMSCs select an FA with the capacity to manage federal grants **Individual applicants opting out of FA process must apply directly to FEMA and comply with all application requirements of Group III and All Other port areas including IJs, budgets, Field Review and National Review Panel FY 2008 PSGP Key Updates
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 11 What is the Fiduciary Agent (FA)? - An entity, not an individual - Point of contact with FEMA for application/management/administration of award - Not the sole decision maker The FA may retain up to 3% of total award to be used solely for Management and Administration (M&A) purposes associated with the PSGP award. Approved M&A costs include: - Hiring of full-time or part-time staff, contractors or consultants and M&A expenses related to pre-application submission management activities and application requirements or meeting compliance with grant reporting or data collection requirements, including data calls - Development of operating plans for information collections and processing necessary to respond to DHS data calls - Travel expenses FY 2008 PSGP Key Updates
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 12 What does the FA do? - Applies for award via Grants.gov - Accepts award * - Registers in PARS * - Submits deliverables to Portal (CONOPS, Draft Plan, Final Plan, IJs) - Maintains an official grant folder to keep all grant related documents - Stays up-to-date on all reporting requirements including: * Financial Status Reports (SF269s) - due quarterly Categorical Assistance Progress Reports (CAPRs) - due biannually - Sends official requests for Grant Adjustment Notices (GANs) to Program Manager* - Ensures all sub-recipients are compliant with the following: Organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133 Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations FY 2008 PSGP Key Updates *See Grantee Quick Guide for step-by-step instructions on how to complete this task
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Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 14 DHS directed by Congress to apply funds to highest risk ports Who can apply for consideration of funding? - All entities covered by an AMSP - “All Other Port Areas” not located within Groups I-III and covered by an AMSP FY 2008 PSGP Eligibility 103 Critical Ports 74 Port Areas 5 Pools of Funds
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 15 Entities encouraged to apply - Owners/operators of federally regulated terminals, facilities, US inspected passenger vessels or ferries as defined in the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 101, 104, 105, and Port authorities or other State and local agencies that are required to provide security services to eligible Ferry System applicants (MTSA regulated facilities) pursuant to a AMTSP or a facility or vessel security plan - Consortia composed of local river organizations, ports and terminal associations, and other local stakeholder groups representing federally regulated ports, terminals, US inspected passenger vessels or ferries that are required to provide security services to federally regulated facilities in accordance with an AMTSP or a facility or vessel security plan - Group I and II Fiduciary Agents as identified under the FY 2007 Supplemental PSGP Guidance - The twenty three newly identified Group II port areas in FY 2008 PSGP Guidance - Eligible Ferry Systems (identified in Table 3 of the guidance) FY 2008 PSGP Eligibility
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 16 IMPORTANT All PSGP applicants are required to be fully compliant with relevant Maritime Security Regulations (33 CFR parts ) Any open or outstanding Notices of Violation (NOVs) that have not been resolved prior to the application submission deadline will result in the applicant being denied for consideration of FY 2008 PSGP funding FY 2008 PSGP Eligibility
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Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 18 Enhancing Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) - Through projects that address knowledge capabilities within the maritime domain - i.e. access control/standardized credentialing, command and control, communications Enhancing Improvised Explosive Device (IED) prevention, detection, response and recovery capabilities - IEDs of particular concern include those delivered on small crafts, by underwater swimmers or on ferries Training and exercises - Emergency drills and exercises test operational protocols used in the event of a terrorist attack Efforts supporting implementation of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) - TWIC is a congressionally mandated security program - Grant funds cannot be used for TWIC card application fees FY 2008 Funding Priorities
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 19 DHS Port Security Grant Program Overview PSGP Funding Timeline Key Updates Eligibility Port Security Priorities Port Wide Risk Management Planning Grants.gov Summary
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 20 Implementing the NIPP Risk Management Strategy is a fundamental shift of DHS’ PSGP: Port Wide Risk Management This strategy will focus the security needs of port stakeholders and will provide ports with investment justifications for Federal dollars Primarily a facility security focused grant program Port-Wide Risk Management program that compliments urban area and state efforts Old FocusNew Focus
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 21 Deliverables Timeline and Overview: Port Wide Risk Management Due within 30 calendar days of award Federal comments provided within 14 days after receipt of CONOPS Concept of Operations Due 180 calendar days after CONOPS approval Federal comments provided within 21 days after receipt of draft Due 90 days after comments received on draft plan Reviewed and approved by the National Review Panel Due 30 days after Final Plan approval i.e. Projects (based on Final Plan) Reviewed and approved by AMSC and PSGP Executive Steering Committee Draft Plan Final Plan Investment Justifications
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 22 Deliverables Specifications: - Concept of Operations (CONOPS) 2 pages in length 2 part focus 1. Risk Management/Mitigation 2. Business Operations/Resumption of Trade Primary elements: Roles and responsibilities of key subcommittee members Relationship of FA and AMSC How plan will be developed (in house/contract support) Timeline for developing and implementing plan Port Wide Risk Management
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 23 Deliverables Specifications: - The Plan Not an extensive document Complements Area Maritime Security Plans (not meant to replace them) Provides a 5-year investment strategy (establishes a forward-looking risk management approach for non-federal segments of the port community Identifies port wide gaps in security, authorities, capabilities, capacities, competences and partnerships across the security continuum of awareness, prevention, protection, response and recovery Port specific risk based upon MSRAM results and Area Maritime Security preparedness activities Links to other Federal plans (National Strategy for Maritime Security, National Infrastructure Protection Plan, Maritime Incident Response Plan) Should be marked Sensitive Security Information Port Wide Risk Management
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 24 DHS Port Security Grant Program Overview PSGP Funding Timeline Key Updates Eligibility Port Security Priorities Port Wide Risk Management Planning Grants.gov Summary
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 25 The application process requires four steps: - Step 1: Download a Grant Application Package and Application Instructions - Step 2: Complete the Selected Grant Application Package - Step 3: Submit a Completed Grant Application Package - Step 4: Track the Status of a Completed Grant Application Package DUNS® Number: - A DUNS number is a unique nine-digit number recognized as the universal standard for identifying and keeping track of businesses worldwide - FEMA requires that applicants obtain a DUNS number before applying for a grant - To request a DUNS number visit Grants.gov Grants.gov Help Desk:
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 26 ResourceDescription DHS Website PSGP Application Kit, Information Bulletins, Fact Sheet and other documents relating to program will be posted to: OGO Financial Management Guide Guide.pdf PSGP Program Office Please send programmatic inquiries to: Grants.gov Help Desk AskOGO The Financial Accountability and Oversight Division (formally OGO) can be reached at ASKOGO or by at CSID General questions related to this grant program may be directed to the DHS Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk (CSID) or Additional Resources
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 27 Program Managers Contact Information Gerald Del Rosario Jackie Jackson Duane
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 28 DHS Port Security Grant Program Overview PSGP Funding Timeline Key Updates Eligibility Port Security Priorities Port Wide Risk Management Planning Grants.gov Summary
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 29 Total award amount for FY 2008 PSGP is $388.6 million Apply for grant using Grants.gov website (must have a DUNS number) Application Timeline: - Application period opens February 1, Decisions on FA option due February 16, Applications due on Grants.gov by 11:59 pm EDT on March 17, Awards will be announced in late spring 2008 New port areas in Group II must identify a FA when applying for funds Existing Groups I and II port areas have the option of: - Continuing with their current FA - Selecting a new FA - Opting out of the FA process Summary
Port Security Grant Program Teleconference 5/18/05 30 Questions?