#1 People who talk about suicide don’t do it. FALSE 80% people who have completed suicide talk about it or give some clues or signals QUIZ
#2 Those who attempt suicide but don’t die are unlikely to try again. FALSE Average of 8 to 20 attempts prior to completed suicide QUIZ
#3 Uncompleted attempts at suicide are only a means of getting attention and should not be taken seriously. FALSE If someone is dying for attention they need it! QUIZ
#4 Nearly all who commit suicide leave a note. FALSE 1 in 3 people who complete suicide leave a note QUIZ
#5Most people who are suicidal really want to die. FALSE 7 out of 10 teens attempt at home while a parent is in the house QUIZ
#6 Talking about suicide will increase the possibility of someone doing it. FALSE Talking about suicidal thoughts decreases isolation, and can address symptoms of depression Buys time to get the person help QUIZ
#7All people who are suicidal are deeply depressed. FALSE Related, but not across the board Some seem happier than ever QUIZ
#8When a depressed person improves, there is no longer any danger of suicide. FALSE days after hitting bottom is critical time frame QUIZ
#9 A person who is suicidal rarely seeks medical attention. FALSE 75% of those who complete a suicide have seen their doctor within a few months of taking their lives QUIZ
#10 A completed suicide of a person in counseling is a sign that therapy does not work. FALSE 95% of those who commit suicide are not receiving therapy QUIZ
Females attempt 3 times more often than males Males complete suicide 4 times often more than females STATISTICS
REGIONS Pacific/West Coast Rocky MountainsMid WestEast Coast
Utah's suicide rate has been consistently higher than the U.S. rate for the last decade. In addition, Utah has the: 11th highest young adult (ages 18-24) suicide rate in the U.S. 17th highest teen (ages 10-17) suicide rate in the U.S. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Utah youth ages and Utah young adults ages RATES IN THE NATION
Utah’s consistently high youth suicide rate prompted the development of the “Utah Youth Suicide Study” Results showed: 89% of the suicide decedents were male. Referral to Juvenile Court was a risk factor for completed suicide, with 63% of suicide decedents having had contact with the juvenile courts. UTAH YOUTH SUICIDE STUDY
Suicidal threats Previous suicide attempts Alcohol and drug abuse Statements revealing a desire to die Sudden changes in behavior Prolonged depression Making final arrangements Giving away prized possessions Purchasing a gun or stockpiling pills WARNING SIGNS OF SUICIDE
Ask a question, save a life. Q Question the person about the suicide. Do they have thoughts? Feelings? Plans? Don’t be afraid to ask. P Persuade the person to get help. Listen carefully…then say “Let me help.” Or, “Come with me to get help.” R Refer for help. If a child or adolescent, contact the parent first. QUESTION PERSUADE REFER
Family connectedness and school connectedness (Kaminski et al, J Youth Adol, 2010) Reduced access to firearms (Grossman et al., JAMA, 2005) Safe Schools (Eisenberg et al., J PED, 2007) Academic Achievement (Borowsky et al., Pediatrics, 2001) Self-esteem (Sharaf e al., JCAPN, 2009) PROTECTIVE FACTORS
Realize someone might be suicidal. Reach out. Asking the question DOES NOT increase risk. Listen. Talking things out can save a life. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Get others involved Don’t promise secrecy and don’t worry about being disloyal. If persuasion fails, call your mental health center. Local hotline, or emergency services. TO SAVE A LIFE…
- National Suicide Prevention: TALK ( ) Hopeline Network: SUICIDE ( ) ( UNI Crisis Line (mobile crisis outreach available) Highland Ridge Hospital Helpline: CRISIS HOTLINES
American Association of Suicidology resources Warning Signs of Suicide at and-tools/suicide-warning-signs Risk Factors for Suicide and other suicide prevention fact sheets at National Center for the prevention of Youth Suicide REFERENCES