Engaging with supported businesses. “The right thing to do…”
What Are Supported Businesses? Businesses where most of the employees, by reason of the nature or seriousness of their disabilities, cannot carry on occupations under normal conditions.
What do we do? A network of diverse business units, providing high-quality, British made, competitively-priced products and services. Provide public and private sector clients with excellent value at the same time equipping thousands of disabled employees with essential skills and experience. We also give customers a simple route to fulfilling their corporate social responsibility requirements and enhancing their reputations through the positive association of working with Remploy and BASE.
What do we do? Remploy`s Core Products & Services Supply and Installation of fitted and loose furniture. Refurbishment and ethical disposal of ICT. Specialist employment services. Design and manufacture of protective garments. Healthcare solutions. Social housing upvc windows and doors. CCTV monitoring. Office fulfillment, management and data solutions.
Why are we so special? We are the UK`s leading employer of disabled people. Our mission is “to expand opportunities for disabled people in sustainable employment both within Remploy and the communities we serve”. We are changing to adapt to our markets. We have the security of being Govt. backed.
Why should you be interested? Because it is the right thing to do, using supported businesses in your supply chain will demonstrate commitment to employing disabled people. EU recognised the contribution of supported businesses to society and made a special provision in procurement legislation – Article 19. Equalities Bill will soon be enacted and will require Government to scrutinise the policies and actions of its major suppliers. Fits with your organisations procurement policies.
Buying Solutions reserved framework RM722 A new Pan Government Collaborative framework agreement has been put in place by Buying Solutions. The framework is ready for use and can be used by UK public bodies. Procuring bodies are encouraged to use this framework agreement when procuring these goods and services.
Buying Solutions reserved framework RM722 The framework agreement covers products and services in the following lots: ICT Disposal – Secure Disposal ICT Disposal – Non-Secure Disposal Furniture & Associated Products Document Management
Supported Businesses…Useful web links Reserved framework RM722 web link:- inesses inesses OGC Guidance on reserving a framework for supported businesses:- _factories_and_businesses.asphttp:// _factories_and_businesses.asp Remploy website:- BASE website:- The framework agreement covers products and services in the following lots: ICT Disposal – Secure Disposal ICT Disposal – Non-Secure Disposal Furniture & Associated Products Document Management
If you have any questions or would like to visit a Remploy factory please contact:- Tel: