10/7 Powerpoint Dan NesbergTravis HargettDan NesbergTravis Hargett
In a census performed in percent of the American population claimed German heritage. In a census performed in percent of the American population claimed German heritage. Largest claimed ancestry in America. Largest claimed ancestry in America. As time passes, fewer Americans claim German heritage. As time passes, fewer Americans claim German heritage. Dubbed the “Submergence of German Culture” – WWI is often credited sole blame for this, but actually Germans were already under great pressure both internally & externally to “submerge” into American culture Dubbed the “Submergence of German Culture” – WWI is often credited sole blame for this, but actually Germans were already under great pressure both internally & externally to “submerge” into American culture
Two reasons for coming to AmericaTwo reasons for coming to America 1- The push of socioeconomic distress1- The push of socioeconomic distress WWI, religious reasonsWWI, religious reasons 2- The pull of new opportunities2- The pull of new opportunities The idea of owning Land, and religious freedomThe idea of owning Land, and religious freedom Why come to America?
Travis’ InterviewTravis’ Interview (Danny Blechschmidt)(Danny Blechschmidt) He said that his family came from Germany after WWI had ended, due to the fact that the country was in shambles. When asked, he does not claim to be German-American. Simply American. When asked about his heritage, German is the first nationality that comes to mind. He says that he has not taken German because he was forced to learn Spanish in high school. Family does not know German. Dan’s Interview (Ian Jaqua) Ancestors arrived sometime in the 1800’s Doesn’t know for sure why his family left Germany, likely because they were looking for a better life. Escaping war or religious persecution. He considers his German heritage to be quite important however does not consider himself to be German- American. Is not fluent in German, neither is his family.
Relations to Native Americans In the 1800’s, Germans were preceded by the Yankees and the French. In the 1800’s, Germans were preceded by the Yankees and the French. Made them less likely to be involved in displacement of Native Americans. Made them less likely to be involved in displacement of Native Americans. Likely saw some of their own cultural history reflected in Native Americans. Likely saw some of their own cultural history reflected in Native Americans.
German influenced culture in America “Turners” were founded in 1811 by Friedrick Ludwig Jahn. Athleticly inclined, coined the phrase “Sound mind in a sound body.” Started gymnastics as a competitive sport. “Turners” were founded in 1811 by Friedrick Ludwig Jahn. Athleticly inclined, coined the phrase “Sound mind in a sound body.” Started gymnastics as a competitive sport. “48’ers were immigrants in ‘48 and’49 following the failed revolution. “48’ers were immigrants in ‘48 and’49 following the failed revolution. “Free Thinkers” Liberation and rationality unencumbered by religion, and they supported public education. “Free Thinkers” Liberation and rationality unencumbered by religion, and they supported public education. The first time that USA competed in a gymnastic event was in 1880, and they won the first time they competed. The first time that USA competed in a gymnastic event was in 1880, and they won the first time they competed. Milwaukee was named the “German Athens of America” Milwaukee was named the “German Athens of America”
20 th Century Culture Milwaukee is the most unconsciously German city in America, even today beer, brats, and pretzels are very celebrated Milwaukee is the most unconsciously German city in America, even today beer, brats, and pretzels are very celebrated Oktoberfest is increasingly popular in America, though it is more a celebration of cultural diversity than it is of German heritage. Oktoberfest is increasingly popular in America, though it is more a celebration of cultural diversity than it is of German heritage. Americans mistakenly use predominantly Bavarian symbols to represent Germany as a whole. Such as the typical “beer stein” and lederhosen. Americans mistakenly use predominantly Bavarian symbols to represent Germany as a whole. Such as the typical “beer stein” and lederhosen.
German Influence in Press and Imagery Thomas Nast (1840 – 1902) was a German-born artist who is credited with some of the most iconic characters in American culture such as: Santa, the Republican Elephant, the Democratic Donkey, and perhaps most famously, Uncle Sam. He is also responsible the creation of the editorial cartoon as we know it today. Thomas Nast (1840 – 1902) was a German-born artist who is credited with some of the most iconic characters in American culture such as: Santa, the Republican Elephant, the Democratic Donkey, and perhaps most famously, Uncle Sam. He is also responsible the creation of the editorial cartoon as we know it today. In Wisconsin German press existed as early as 1844 and helped to strengthen Germans’ dual identity. In Wisconsin German press existed as early as 1844 and helped to strengthen Germans’ dual identity. “May German diligence, steadfastness, and loyalty continue to be the hallmarks of the German element in the US and imprint themselves even more indelibly upon the American national character” “May German diligence, steadfastness, and loyalty continue to be the hallmarks of the German element in the US and imprint themselves even more indelibly upon the American national character”