United Nations
About the United Nations Countries met to discuss a United Nations on April 25, 1945 in San Francisco, CA The U.N. was formed on June 26, 1946
Purposes of the U.N. 1. To keep peace in the world 2. Foster cooperation among nations to solve world problems
Structure of the U.N. Secretary General: chief officer appointed by the General Assembly Current Secretary General: Ban Ki-moon of Korea
Structure of the U.N. Security Council: 15 nation members responsible for settling conflicts Permanent Members: U.S., United Kingdom, China, Russia and France Other Members: 10 nations for 2 year terms Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Gabon, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Turkey and Uganda
Structure of the U.N. General Assembly: Representatives from all member nations Role is to recommend action to the Security Council and to study and debate problems
Structure of the U.N. World Court: Settles disputes over treaties and rights Economic and Social Council Directs over 200 agencies to help countries and people around the world solve problems
U.N. Accomplishments UNICEF UN Emergency Children’s Fund—helps feed children in need WHO World Health Organization—solves health problems around the world UNESCO Educational, Social and Cultural Organization— spreads helpful information