My element is Hydrogen It comes from the greek words “hydro” and “genes” which means water and generator.
Symbol: H Atomic Mass: AtomicNumber: 1
Protrons: 1 Nuetrons: 1 Electrons: 1
Physical Properties Melting point: Boiling point: Colorless Density: 88 kg
Hydrogen is a gas
Makes up 90% of the universe Small amounts can be made in labratorys by the reaction of calcium hydried and water 50% of hydrogen produced iscomes from water
Three Facts hydrogen was used in in the Hindenberg balloon but caused the balloon to explode so they never used hydrogen in blimps again. Robert Boyle began experiments with hydrogen but it wasn’t recognized until Henery Cavendish began experiments. Makes up 90% of the universe
Every Company should purchase Hydrogen. Its lighter then air and can be used for many reasons. Its very clean burning. And you can get large amounts of it for very cheap its basically all around us. It is also used to remove sulfer from some other natural gases.