Notebook Telescope 1m BPF AR 5000 BPF FFT LO 21cm (1.42 GHz) IF 1 ≈152 MHz 10.7 MHz H2-Converter PSU COM RS-232 L-Band (Neutral Hydrogen, 21 cm / 1421 MHz frequency switching) Ø1m Mouse USB 1 USB 4 USB 3 PSU 12V 4-Port USB Hub PSU 12 KHz resolution USB 2 Memory Stick etc. FFT Mouse Keyboard Monitor VGA PS/2 USB SMA IF FFT: RadioInstruments2012ppt / /cm Heterodyne Receiver Optional attenuator Aspire netbook Mouse Keyboard VGA PS/2 USB Receiver control & Spectrometer control Intercommunication RS232 LO = 1268 MHz cmd = 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1,… outdooroutdoor IndoorIndoor Drive control RS Vdc PSU 12V 12 Vdc USB/RS-232 PSU
Notebook Telescope 1m BPF AR 5000 BPF FFT LO 21cm (1.42 GHz) IF1 ≈152 MHz 10.7 MHz H2-Converter PSU COM RS-232 L-Band (Neutral Hydrogen, 21 cm / 1421 MHz beam switching) Ø1m Mouse USB 1 USB 4 USB 3 4-Port USB Hub PSU 12 KHz resolution USB 2 Memory Stick etc. FFT Mouse Keyboard Monitor VGA PS/2 USB SMA RS-232 ‘Antos’ IF=10.7 MHz FFT: RadioInstruments2012ppt / /cm Heterodyne Receiver Optional attenuator cmd = 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1,… LO = 1268 MHz PSU 12V outdooroutdoor IndoorIndoor Drive control RS Vdc PSU 12V USB/RS Vdc PSU
Notebook Telescope 1m BPF FFT LO 21cm (1.42 GHz) IF1 ≈152 MHz 150 +/- 5 MHz H2-Converter PSU COM RS-232 L-Band (Neutral Hydrogen, 21 cm / 1421 MHz without 2 nd heterodyne) Ø1m Mouse USB 1 USB 4 USB 3 4-Port USB Hub PSU 12 KHz resolution USB 2 Memory Stick etc. FFT Mouse Keyboard Monitor VGA PS/2 USB SMA RS-232 ‘Antos’ IF FFT: RadioInstruments2012ppt / /cm LO = 1268 MHz cmd = 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1,… PSU 12V outdooroutdoor IndoorIndoor Drive control RS Vdc PSU 12V USB/RS Vdc
FFT Mouse Keyboard Monitor VGA PS/2 USB SMA RS-232 ‘Antos’ IF Notebook Telescope 1m AR 5000 BPF FFT PSU Satellite Receiver PSU Radio mapping Ku-Band GHz Ø1m Mouse USB 1 USB 4 USB 3 Antenna control COM RS-232 PSU 12V 4-Port USB Hub PSU USB 2 Memory Stick etc. IF = MHz Ku-Band (15V) (18V) > 3 different SAT-LNC 75 Ω RadioInstruments2012ppt / /cm Power Divider DC-Block USB Video Adapter USB 4 USB → Notebook + optional 75 Ω / 50 Ω Matching pad Heterodyne Receiver Hydrogen 21 cm Coaxial switch
Total power, 2-Element, Swept Frequency Interferometer Wilkinson Power Combiner + S- Band Converter PSU Amplifier CALLISTO Notebook USB 1 USB 2 USB 3 RS-232 Mouse Memory Stick etc. PSU Integration time switchable: 1mse (high speed for satellites and solar burst observations) up to 3 sec for radio sources. 12V RadioInstruments2012ppt / /cm Frequency range: 2200 MHz … 2700 MHz λ = 11 cm … 13 cm East-West-Baseline: 10 λ … 50 λ Bias-T