Different types of plants are in nature.
Trees are tall with woody trunk and branches.
Shrubs are smaller than trees and have bushy appearance.
Herbs are smaller than bushes with soft green stems.
Climbers need support to stand erect.
Creepers creep on ground.
Different plants have different types of plants.
Leaf differ in shape, colour,and margin from plant to plant.
Each part of a plant has a function.
Plants make our planet beautiful.
THE PLANT FAIRY SUB;EVS STD 111 WORK SHEET 1.Name a A] climber B] creeper C] tree D] shrub E] herb
11.Fill in the blanks 1.The plants make food on its of a plant takes water from soil. 3.Water reaches the branches through Plants need water,soil and Draw a plant and marks its parts.
FA 2 ACTIVITIES 1.Quizz. 2.Make rubbings of tree trunks and leaves. 3. Make leaf album.