United States Power Squadrons ® How to pass the Final Exams Piloting & Advanced Piloting.


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Presentation transcript:

United States Power Squadrons ® How to pass the Final Exams Piloting & Advanced Piloting

READ & FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS! Piloting and Advanced Piloting

Slide 3 Show all Calculations!  USPS wants to see that you know how to get the answer, not just that you got it  Explicit requirement in exam instructions  Most common source of lost points  Also allows for part credit for wrong answers  In general, show Formula Formula with numbers plugged in: Answer

Slide 4 Showing Distance Calculations Preliminary : 0943 – 0810 = 93 min Example 1: You depart at 0810 at a speed of 4.0 kts, how far have you traveled at 0943? Formula:D = S T / 60 Formula with raw numbers plugged in:D = 4.0 x 93 / 60 Answer:D = 6.2 Show all the yellow information above in your exam booklet

Slide 5 Showing Time Calculations Example 2: You depart at 0820 and travel 3.9 miles at 4.0 kts, what is your ETA? Formula:T = 60 D / S Formula with raw numbers plugged in:T = 60 x 3.9 / 4.0 Answer:T = 58.5 = 59 Post work:ETA = = 0919

Courses & Directions in Exams  Piloting & Advanced Piloting -- always label courses & directions as MAGNETIC Slide 6 TVM calculations must be shown, or TVMDC calculations if required by question

Slide 7 Showing TVM Calculations FormulaAnswer TVMTVM 240 T 15 W 255 M Example 3: With your hand bearing compass, you measure magnetic bearing to the lighthouse of 255 degrees. Plot and label it Unless otherwise indicated by a question, deviation may be considered negligible and calculations are not required to show C or D

Slide 8 Showing TVMDC Calculations FormulaAnswer TVMDCTVMDC 240 T 15 W 255 M 3 E 252 C Example 4: If required by a question, calculations must show Deviation and Compass direction

Slide 9 Show TVM Calculations  You will lose credit if TVM calculations not shown –  If you wish to check your calculations, you can measure against magnetic compass rose

Slide 10 Plotting and Labeling  Be sure to follow the plotting and labeling standards in your text on the USPS web site  If uncertain, review the cruise plot

Slide 11 Plotting and Labeling (cont)  Don’t forget to plot DRs when doing DR navigation!! At every “navigational event”  Change of course  Change of speed  Taking a bearing  Getting a FIX Not needed if within a qualified path using GPS For the AP exam ONLY – DR required only when specified by exam.

Slide 12 Plotting and Labeling (cont)  Remember  Fix times are horizontal example :  DR times are diagonal example:  If fix is not by bearings, you must show source example: 1018 GPS

Slide 13 Plotting and Labeling (cont)  When measuring longitude, don’t forget that it increases from right to left in the western hemisphere (ie, in Bowditch Bay)  Do not show ETAs on plot Not part of the Plotting and Labeling Requirements Put required ETAs (and supporting calculations!) in answer book

Slide 14 Miscellaneous  THINK – does your answer make sense?? Does it pass the test for reasonableness?  Consider using alternate methods to check your work. For example, use the magnetic rose to check your TVM calculations.  Be careful, be neat. If an exam grader can’t figure out your work (especially your plot) he/she can’t give it an accurate grade!

Slide 15 Common reasons for errors  Lack of knowledge of how to plot  Not showing work  Not showing TVM calculations  Not plotting DRs, especially when bearings are taken

Slide 16 Oh, did I mention?  Show all work!! Including TVM calculations

Give yourself enough time to do a good job Final exam takes most students eight to twelve hours to complete Don’t start the night before it’s due No Extra Credit For Speed

Good Luck! “Luck can be defined as the intersection of preparation and opportunity” You are prepared You now have opportunity

Slide 19 End