Grab a text book. Enter WWI packet into TOC. HOMEWORK- Post test #5 on separate sheet of paper Learning Target- I can closely read text to find information about the role of the U.S. in World War I.
Grab a text book, red pen/pencil Take out your Unit 5 Post Test I can closely read text to find information about the role of the U.S. in World War I #1-28 are ½ point each Short answer are 1 point each. Pronouns=1/2 point off 1 point for bringing your review book Total out of 20
World War I US Involvement:
World War I begins… Militarism - Germany was proud of its new military power and Industrial strength Alliances – Secret agreements among the European countries Imperialism - Colonial claims and conflicts Nationalism - France & Germany both had strong nationalist feelings. France wanted to regain its position as Europe’s leading power
Immediate Cause – SPARK Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary By Black Hand, a nationalist/terrorist group, Gavrilo Princip
Alliance Systems Central Powers Germany Ottoman Empire Austro-Hungarian Empire Allies France Great Britain Russia leaves in 1917 US joins in 1917 Italy
Russia Withdraws – but why? Germans help exiled communist leader Lenin get back into Russia. Czar Nicholas II is overthrown -he abdicates Lenin promises “Peace, Land and Bread” to the Russian peasants and takes over the government Lenin signs a treaty with Germany ending involvement in the war RUSSIAN REVOLUTION!
How does war hit home? British Blockade US annoyed with blockade of German coast interrupting our trade - ECONOMIC hit!
How does war hit home? 2. German U-Boat Response May 7, 1915 the British liner the Lusitania was sank off the coast of Ireland. 128 Americans killed. Social Hit. Revenge?
How does war hit home? Election Woodrow Wilson is elected because of his campaign slogan. “He’ll keep out of War!” Political support to stay neutral!
Why does the US enter the war in 1917 on side of British? 1. German Provocation- Four Unarmed merchant ships sunk and 36 killed- unrestricted sub warfare. 2. Zimmerman note- Germany offers a plan to Mexico in exchange for lost territory Mexico would attacking the US. 3. Russian Revolution- After Russia withdraws we can say that this is a war for democracies against monarchs Wilson believe: “We are making the World safe for Democracy” and this will be the war to end all wars!
Declaration of War April 2, 1917 Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany. Checks and balances require him to seek Legislative approval.
The Home Front 1. Selective service- U.S. institutes a draft- requiring men to register for military service. 2. Woman role- Army Corp of Nurses, secretaries & telephone operations. 3.New Weapons- Machine guns- 600 rounds, Tanks- mowed down a path for soldiers, Airplane- Dog fighting- Red Baron.
The Home Front Finally, an armistice or ceasefire is signed on 11/11/1918. Now called Veteran’s Day. Congress Gives Power to Wilson 1. War Industries- Encouraged mass production- increase efficiency, production, prices and profits. 2. War Economy- Increased wages, unions. Household incomes drop- food prices rise. Stock increase. 3. Food Administration- Food Rationing- 1 day meatless, sweetless, and wheatless to provide for troops.
The Home Front Selling the War 1. War Financing billion for war-1/3 raised through income tax, excise tax, war profit tax. 2. Committee on Public Information- Patriotism, inflamed hatred/violated civil liberties. Propaganda- media used to influence How was it used? To promote the draft, rationing, buying bonds and victory gardens
The Home Front Attacks on Civil Liberties increase 1. Attacks on German immigrants- lost jobs, no German music, stopped teaching the lang., towns renamed. 2. Espionage and Sedition Acts- Fined $10,000 or 20 years in jail- for spoke out against the war. Violate 1 st amendment? 3. Who were targets? Socialists, labor unions leaders- Eugene Debbs, IWW and Schenck.
The Home Front Social Changes Great Migration? Boll weevils, drought and floods forces southern blacks to moved to northern cities for jobs in growing industries. Women in war- Railroad workers, brick layers, coalminers, shipbuilders. Flu Epidemic ¼ U.S. population affected, shut down mines, telephone service cut in half, and coffin shortage