Sarah Buschlen
John Buschlen started the company out of his apartment in He would burn screens in the sun and cure them in his oven. The first shirt he ever made was TEXAS PRIDE In 1989 is when he moved the company into its now location John died in 1994 The company is now run but Peter, Johns brother, and Brian.
TNT Shirts offers high quality, custom Screen Printing, Embroidery, and Heat Transfers. ◦ Cozies ◦ Hats ◦ Blankets ◦ Shirts ◦ Art Work ◦ Any Thing that can be printed on or embroidered.
Brian & Peter- owners and head artwork designers Ashley- Manager Julio- runs machine and burns screens Ramon- run machines and burns screens up front Silvia- Printer Assistant Kaylin- Designer, printer, Customer (what ever needs to be done) Sarah- Designer, printer, Customer Service (what ever needs to be done) Juan- Printer Assistant Joyce- Embroidery Nick- part time student (U of H) Colby- Part time student (U 0f H)
Peter & Brain Nick Ashley SarahKaylin
Peter & Brian SilviaJuanColby JulioRamon “Up Front Crew” & Embroidery Peter & Brian Joyce Philip
TNT shirts generally hires people we know, or family members. We here at TNT shirts are high believers in nepotism. ApplicationInterviewHire
Generally safe. Things only get dangerous when someone stands to close to the machines or they cut/burn themselves
Discounted Shirts Having a place to come into work Social Interaction
Advantages ◦ Paid ◦ Learn how to use artwork programs Disadvantages ◦ Can be slow at sometimes, and the bosses can get very irritable when that happens
Having some knowledge in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop Being a nice person or related
Main Area ◦ One office area, where peter and Brian work ◦ The embroidery room ◦ A screen cleaning room ◦ Outside wash area ◦ Screen storage ◦ Second office/vinyl room ◦ Bathroom ◦ Pin wholing room Up Front Open layout with one bathroom and a screen room outside.
Update social networking for the company (Marketing) Like promotional adds, etc.. Make sure the screens are all taken care of Most importantly do what ever peter of Ashley needs. Complete art work for my fellow employees when it is needed. Customers are a priority. If they come in take and order, this applies for over the phone and or in person.
Clock in Check Screens Report to Ashley Answer Phones
Computers – for artwork & ordering Ink- for printing Film Screen printing machines Exzacto knives Screen burner Dryer Phones Power washer Chemicals ◦ Acetone ◦ Screen cleaner ◦ Ink out ◦ Screen opener ◦ Glue Vinyl
A lot of online forums. Mostly used to order shirts from Customer order forum
Burner – what we burn screens on Film- artwork on clear paper Strapper – tape Screens – the things we use to get the artwork on the t- shirt Heads- part of the machine Press- Machine we use to make shirts Weaving- for heat transfers, The material we have to take apart to put on a shirt.
Meet Deadlines Be nice to customers Get everything done that needs to be done Put things back Use gloves on chemical items
Communication Deadlines Work Ethic Use of Adobe Illustrator Use of Photoshop Customer Service Networking