Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde summary Mar Solsona Compte People Places Important objects / things Relevant information
Chapter 1: The mysterious door BF Mr. Utterson Richard Enfield (cousin) (lawyer) went together for a walk in London and saw a windowless building reminded Enfield of a story Man --> crash! <-- Child (Mr. Hyde) The man walked all over the child’s body paid in punishment with a check made by Dr. Jekyll
Chapter 2: In search of Mr. Hyde Red Dr. Jekyll’s will in which there was stated that he wanted Hyde to stay with everything he has when he’s dead or disappeared for more than 3 months. Mr. Utterson Then he visited his friend Dr. Lanyon he had never heard of Hyde but told him that because Jekyll was turning too imaginative and unscientific he has lost touch with him. Utterson told himself he was going to find Hyde In a party organised by Jekyll, Dr. Jekyll asked Utterson to help Hyde when he’s gone. Found him after a long time and found out that Hyde was surprisingly scared and bothered that Utterson knew him.
Chapter 3: The Carew Murder It belonged to Jekyll Saw how Hyde killed a man with a stick a half of the stick remained in the crime scene Servant Utterson and a policeman Went to Hyde’s place and found the other half of the stick and a cheque book Now they needed to find him
Chapter 4: Dr. Jekyll receives a letter “I am sorry that I have been so ungrateful in the past for your many generous acts. Please don’t worry about me. I am quite safe and I am certain that I can escape unharmed whenever I wish.” Mr. Utterson visited Jekyll who had received a letter from Hyde Utterson found out that the content in Jekyll’s will was the idea of Hyde. Utterson realised that Hyde wanted to kill Jekyll Then he compared it to Jekyll’s and said that both handwritings were very similar. Utterson reunited with his clerk and Mr. Guest who studied Hyde’s handwriting.
Chapter 5: A friend’s death Jekyll, Utterson and Lanyon seemed happier Hyde was disappeared Utterson visited, first, Lanyon who said he was about to die and that he wanted to now nothing about Jekyll and, then, Jekyll who refused to see anybody. Dr.Lanyon became ill and Jekyll turned to be a lonely person and, seemingly, ill too. Utterson received a letter from Jekyll which said he was in agreement with Lanyon to not keep in touch with him and that he was in a difficult and dangerous situation. Lanyon passed away. Mr. Utterson visited Jekyll several times but he would always refuse to see him.
Chapter 6: The face at the window Mr.Utterson and Enfield went for a walk Passed next to Jekyll’s place so they stopped in front of his window and called him Dr.Jekyll talked to them but, all of a sudden, his face was filled with frightening and horror. Utterson and Enfield were truly worried for Jekyll.
Chapter 7: The last night Together, they went to Jekyll’s place Poole (Jekyll’s servant) visited Utterson asking for help Poole said he thought something horrible had happened because his master spent even more time indoors in his lab. and study and his voice had changed. Consequently he thought someone had murdered Jekyll and that this person was Hyde because he saw him looking for some chemicals. Utterson and Poole entered the laboratory by force and found Hyde laying on the floor apparently dead and Jekyll nowhere, disappeared. They went to Jekyll’s study and saw a letter to Utterson from Jekyll and Jekyll’s confession.
Chapter 8: Dr. Lanyon’s letter Wrote Utterson that Jekyll had sent him a letter in which there was stated that he said that Lanyon had to take some packets of chemical powder, a bottle and a book. Then, by midnight, a man would head to his house to take the objects. Dr. Lanyon The stranger’s body, who was Mr. Hyde’s, turned into Henry Jekyll’s! By midnight the man came and asked for the chemicals. Then, poured the red liquid and chemicals into a glass and drank it. Utterson, filled with fear in his heart, put away Dr. Lanyon’s letter and red Henry’s confession.
Chapter 9: Dr. Jekyll’s confession Wanted to give his two personalities different bodies. Jekyll , when he was younger, he had two sides: 1.Serious and successful Dr. 2.Wild, fun-loving, irresponsible man Thought about it and dedicated a lot of time and hard work and then realised it was possible. The next days he started to turn into Hyde more frequently. They hated each other. Jekyll gave up on keeping up with the chemicals (because he ran out of them) and let Hyde take the control of his body so Jekyll died. Decided to write Lanyon and Poole to take the chemicals and stuff for him. Then, with Hyde’s body, he went to Lanyon’s house, drank the chemicals and turned again into Jekyll. He prepared some chemicals and drank the mixture. Then his body turned into Hyde’s body (an evil man) and started to change into both body’s and every time Hyde took more control of him. Hyde murdered Danvers and he was wanted for the police. One day Jekyll was sitting in the park when, all of a sudden, he turned into Hyde. Then, when he was about to head to his study, he remembered that it was locked so he could not enter.