Dr. Brenda R. Shaw Director/PI National Association of HBCU Title III Administrators, Inc. Annual Technical Assistance Workshop June 21-24, 2010 Orlando, FL
Two programs leading to the J uris Doctor ate degree: a full-time day program and an evening program Program fully accredited by the North Carolina State Bar Council and the American Bar Association
Mission: To provide a challenging and broad-based educational program designed to stimulate intellectual inquiry of the highest order, and to foster in each student a deep sense of professional responsibility and personal integrity so as to produce competent and socially responsible members of the legal profession. Goal: Promote academic rigor within the context of its mission as a school of opportunity. Value: In 2007 National Jurist/Pre Law Magazine ranked NCCU School of Law as number one Best Value Law School in the nation: based on bar passage rate, affordability, and job placement.
Enhancing Academic Quality To provide quality programs and instruction to every student To improve, expand and support the academic programs in legal writing, clinical and pro bono programs, academic support, and bar preparation courses Law students participate in over 16 competitions nationwide
Enhancing Facilities and Technology To provide a seamless integration of technology throughout the Law School To continue to raise the bar for technology expectations To maintain and expand an IT staff that delivers efficient service to the Law School community To provide a user friendly environment that empowers users to maximize use of technology
3 High-Tech Moot Courtrooms 3 Large Smart Classrooms 2 Mid-sized Smart Classrooms 1 Smart Special Events Hall (Great Hall) 2 High-Tech Seminar Rooms 11 Smart Group Study Rooms 2 High-Tech Conference Rooms 2 Low-Tech Conference Rooms 26 Total Rooms
Laptop Initiative for entering 1 st year students In 2005 Jurist Magazine ranked NCCU technology program 18 th amongst other law schools NCCU School of Law seeks to be in the top 10
Technology usage by faculty has increased significantly Professors and students at NCCU’s School of Law have embraced it.
YearProfessors Laptop Tablet Class- room TWEN Exam Soft 1L Prof ES * PwrPntClickersCaptureAsynSyn May %94%100%64%100%75%14%92%6% May %97%100%70%100%82%15%85% May %94%100%68%74%6% May %91%100%88%47%2% May %84%100%72%60% May %96%74%44%74%
Enhancing Library Resources and Services To increase the number of titles in the collection To provide professional development for the Library staff to increase reference services offered
Enhancing Fiscal Stability To strengthen professional skills and constituency communications in support of fundraising capacity building for the Development Office of the School of Law Staff members attend the Council for Advancement and Support of Education and American Association of Law Schools conferences
Enhancing Student Services and Outcomes Introduce employers to our students who are seeking permanent and summer employment Develop and manage programs for counseling law students by the Director of Wellness Disseminate information on the job search process, the mechanics of preparing a resume, the search for summer employment, careers in public service, resume and cover letter presentation, and interviewing skills
Scholarships, Fellowships, Financial Assistance Provide scholarships, stipends, grants, and research and student assistantships to approximately 45% of our students Establish official procedures for awarding scholarships /fellowships and grants Throughout the various activities, eligible students receive work aid in the facilities & technology unit, library, etc.
Enhancing Institutional Management To increase the knowledge and training of the Law School Activity Director through opportunities to attend professional development activities to assure clear understanding of federal regulations, guidelines, and procedures
Expenditure of funds at a rate that decreases the funds remaining at the end of a fiscal year Getting everyone to understand how carry forward funds are to be used and using them in a timely manner Telling the story of all the activities funded under the Title III grant, much like the story is told regarding the technology activity
Since there is no LAA category related to faculty/staff travel for HBGI grants as there is for HBCU grants, I am concerned about faculty development allowability under the HBGI grants How we account for these expenditures in the APR as all spending has to be reported under an LAA category