Looking at Student work to Improve Learning Vintage High School Staff Development
Why look collaboratively at student work? To gain greater understanding of what students know and are able to do To embed meaningful professional development into the school schedule To foster a sense of community among the staff To develop across the curriculum a common language of expectations and standards
To continue the metacognitive conversation among colleagues To build ways to assess student work and improve curriculum To prepare for our WASC report next year To engage in reflective practice
Why use a protocol? Provides a safe context and keeps the conversation focused on student achievement and not on teacher evaluation Encourages efficient time management (staying on task) Emphasizes results through focused professional reflection
The goals of this protocol To develop more effective assignments To gather ideas to improve classroom practice To clarify and internalize performance standards and ESLRs
Keep in mind, please… The focus should be on the work and the learning it reveals Not on the student’s personality, motivation or ability Not on the teacher We are learning a protocol, one of many possible protocols Other protocols exist for differing purposes Groups of teachers may develop different protocols to suit their needs
Protocols should include three parts Description – what is the work? Analysis – how does it compare to standards and expectations? Reflection – what have I/we learned about the work from this collaborative process?
Cover Sheet and Reflection for Student Work Samples Before the meeting Cover Sheet and Reflection for Student Work Samples
Description – Page 1 Teacher, Department/Course, date Content Standards addressed List standards references and statements ESLR’s addressed Check off See reference list on back of last page
Describe the learning goal… Where does this lesson fit into the course? Is it part of a thematic unit? Is it an ongoing classroom routine? How does it connect with topics that precede and follow it? What was the sequence of learning activities? What should students learn and know how to do as a result of this learning opportunity?
What materials were students given to work with What materials were students given to work with? What were students asked to do with these materials? How were students grouped? What was their task? What did you do? How would students know the criteria for successful achievement of the lesson’s goals? What literacy support strategies did you use?
Description – page 2 What criteria would you apply to the student work? Describe the features of this work Below expected proficiency At expected proficiency Above expected proficiency
Analysis – Page 3 In the Analysis section, we determine what qualities are present or missing for each of the 3 samples Below At Above
Focusing question Based on your description and analysis, what question would you most like the group to consider as they examine this student work? This is the question you want to ask your group to examine with you during the tuning protocol.
Examples of focusing questions How could the activity be changed to increase the achievement of the low and middle students? Does the assignment provide adequate evidence that the concepts were learned? Is this part of the assignment really essential? How could the concluding activity be altered to elicit more engagement by students? Does the high example truly exceed the standards/expectations? How so?
Reflection Reflection – the most critical part of this activity! Reflect on the instructional needs for each student and how they might be addressed. What have I learned as a result of this description and analysis? You may prefer to do the reflection after meeting with your colleagues.
Tuning Protocol What to do in your group
1 – Choose a Facilitator This teacher will move the group through the protocol, watch the time, monitor probing questions, and balance both warm and cool feedback to ensure productivity and objectivity. 2 minutes
2 – Present the student work and focusing question The presenting teacher provides copies of the student work. The teacher explains the context of the work and briefly explains the learning experience to the group (ie, description and analysis). The teacher presents a focusing question to establish a purpose for the meeting. 5 minutes
3 – Ask clarifying questions The team asks clarifying questions. How long did students work on this assignment? Was a rubric involved? Clarifying questions should be precise and objective. 3 minutes
4 – Examine the work samples The team quietly examines the sample work, making observation notes in silence. Participants should specifically focus upon the evidence of learning in the work. 5 minutes
5 – Make inferences about learning; offer feedback The team uses evidence in the work to infer the students’ thinking, understanding and interpretation of the assignment. (The presenting teacher is silent throughout this step, but makes notes regarding comments heard). The team shares feedback (warm and cool). The team discusses the implications for teaching and assessment in the classroom in addition to identifying other kinds of assessments that could lead to more desirable qualities in the work. 8 minutes
6 – Reflect on feedback The presenting teacher reflects upon what he or she has heard. The team is silent. 2 minutes
7 – Debrief/Reflect The facilitator opens the discussion. Any speaker may contribute ideas, discoveries and “take-aways.” The group reflects orally upon the process of the protocol. 5 minutes
Final Reflection At this point, the presenting teacher can go back to the work sample cover sheet to fill in the “Reflection” section. Some teachers may prefer to do the Reflection piece after the tuning protocol Others may want to do some reflection before and after the protocol Do what is most useful for you as an educator
Homework for March 14th At the next literacy training, we will meet in departmental groups to implement this protocol. You need to bring a work sample (the same one is ok), complete the cover sheet, and be prepared to go through the protocol with your department (some departments will subdivide into smaller groups). We will send out the cover sheet file via e-mail to the whole staff for future use
Thanks for your participation today!