Wider Opportunities for Women works to: Promote intergenerational economic independence for women and famiilies Develop and promote policies and programs, nationally and in Washington DC, which promote equality of opportunity for low-income women, with an emphasis on improving women’s access to nontraditional jobs. Inform and mobilize the public and policymakers about the needs of low-income families and the policies and programs to ensure economic security for women and families across generations Our Technical Assistance addresses: Barriers to Women’s Inclusion in Nontraditional Green Jobs Adding a Gender Lens to Recruitment, Training, Case Management, Placement and Retention Policies for Equal Opportunity Building Workforce Partnerships’ Capacity and Sustainability for Gender Inclusivity
A Gendered Lens Assessment: Rate Your Program’s Capacity to Serve Women 1) Our outreach and recruitment plan is strategically designed to reach out to organizations, venues and media that attract women. Yes No 2) Our intake and career counselors understand the impact of sex stereotypes, myths and barriers about women’s participation in the workforce and can effectively promote nontraditional jobs to women. Yes No 3) We have set goals for numbers of women applicants, participants, graduates and placements Yes No
GENDER EQUITY Women on average earn 77% of men’s wages African American women earn only 69% Latina women earn only 60% 77% of all women work in just 20 of 440 occupations 42% of all men earn over $50,000. Only 9% of working women do- and this was the ceiling, although it is the floor for male workers. 69% of all workers 25 and older earning below minimum wage were women Lifetime difference between a NTO and traditional job $2,266,200 - $617,430 = $1,648,770
Occupational Segregation by Gender Occupation % Female Avg. Wages Secretary96.1%$15.40 Receptionist93.6%$12.57 Waitress73.2%$9.77 Cashier75.5%$9Occupation % Female Avg. Wages Avg. Wages Truck Driver 8.9%$17.72 Mechanic1.6%$19.07 Firefighter4.8%$24.25 Construction Trades 3%$22.71 (PDX area) Traditional Jobs for WomenNon-Traditional Jobs for Women Nontraditional occupations are those in which women comprise 25 percent or less of total employed. National stats: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Annual Averages Portland area stats: May 2008 Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, OR-WA
BENEFITS OF NTO FOR WOMEN Jobs with Good Benefits On-the Job Training Portable skills Pride of Accomplishment Increased Self-Esteem Self-Reliance
BARRIERS TO WOMEN’S PARTICIPATION IN NTO Lack of awareness Sex stereotypes Limited Training Perception of work Lack of Outreach Barriers to Application Disparate Impact of Selection Criteria
SIMPLE STEPS TO IMPROVE RECRUITMENT OF WOMEN Inform/Train staff re: Women’s Economic Status Benefits and Opportunities Myths and stereotypes about women’s work Women’s challenges to entry Strategies to target women’s recruitment Disparate impact of assessment criteria Gender neutral assessment techniques Engage local community groups and workforce agencies in education about benefits of green jobs and outreach to underrepresented groups Engage/prepare industry partners in support of recruitment, hiring and retention of underrepresented populations
Outreach and Recruitment of Women Tool 1.1. Quiz: Gender Equity—Test Your Knowledge of Women's Economic Status and Equity Tool 1.1. Quiz: Gender Equity—Test Your Knowledge of Women's Economic Status and Equity Prompt awareness about the need for women to have access to jobs in the traditionally higher-paid, male- dominated blue collar careers. The quiz can also be used to build the understanding and commitment of workforce development professionals for gender equity. Includes Myths and Facts worksheet, designed to raise awareness about commonly misunderstood stereotypes. Tool 1.2. Presentation: Transforming Pink to Green—Recruiting Women into the Green Jobs Economy -An overview of benefits, barriers, and myths for women in nontraditional green occupations; -Outreach and marketing to women: creating and delivering gender-targeted messages, including sample materials; -Conducting successful information and orientation sessions to attract/inform women; and Tool 1.3. Assessment Tool: Assessing Your Organization's Capacity for Recruiting Women Use this assessment to evaluate your current capacity, including the number of women you serve, recruitment and assessment practices, and program goals. Tool 1.3. Assessment Tool: Assessing Your Organization's Capacity for Recruiting Women
Outreach and Recruitment of Women Tool 1.4. Worksheet: Creating a Targeted Outreach Plan to Recruit Women Use this worksheet as a planning tool to create your own customized strategies and messages. Tool 1.4. Worksheet: Creating a Targeted Outreach Plan to Recruit Women Tool 1.5. Tip Sheet: Planning an Information Session—Strategies for a Successful Information or Orientation Session Use this tool to plan a short orientation or information session for a green jobs training program. Tool 1.5. Tip Sheet: Planning an Information Session—Strategies for a Successful Information or Orientation Session Tool 1.6. Tip Sheet: Planning a Career Fair for Improving Women's Access to Green Jobs Use this tip sheet to plan a career fair. It includes steps and information on marketing, partner engagement, program, and logistics. Tool 1.6. Tip Sheet: Planning a Career Fair for Improving Women's Access to Green Jobs Tool 1.7. Worksheet: Self Assessment—Considering a Career in the Building Trades Tool 1.8. Worksheet: Outreach and Recruitment Workplan to Attract and Engage Women Applicants Use this worksheet to create a blueprint and timeline for your program’s outreach and recruitment goals, activities, and measurable outcomes. This tool includes two sample workplans. Tool 1.8. Worksheet: Outreach and Recruitment Workplan to Attract and Engage Women Applicants
Outreach Materials Go to where women are People need to hear/see the message more than once in order to respond. Repeated contact with your intended audience. Feature women working in green jobs Address women specifically in the headline Get their attention with information on benefits/advantages of jobs in the green economy
Outreach and Recruitment of Women Build relationships for trust and word of mouth recruiting. Pair outreach with education: information sessions, orientations Define the next step Clear next step for them to take.
Outreach and Recruitment of Women 13 Information Session: What is an apprenticeship? What are the requirements for entry? What are working conditions like? Where will the work be? Host a larger career fair/orientation Role Models Industry Engagement Hands- On Activities
Outreach and Recruitment of Women 1.Showcase real women doing the work. 2.Talk about why women love working in these jobs. 3.Give them a realistic portrayal of what it takes to be successful as a minority in the industry beforehand, but challenge them to rise to the occasion. 4.Go out of your way to bring in diverse applicants. 5.Talk about the social and environmental justice aspects of the job. Five Key Actions to Recruit Women for a Diverse Workforce
Annual Recruitment Results of Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc women and girls come to our Women in Trades Career Fair.1500 women and girls come to our Women in Trades Career Fair. 900 women call us to find out about the trades.900 women call us to find out about the trades. 700 women come to our orientations.700 women come to our orientations. 180 women apply to enter our program.180 women apply to enter our program. 96 women graduate.96 women graduate. 50 women entered trades jobs.50 women entered trades jobs.
Robyn Bush: From sales at Home Depot to climbing to new heights as a union Ironworker on a wind farm Four years ago Bush was anxious for a job that would provide more economic security for her family. She read an article about a 12-week pre- apprenticeship training program offered by Chicago Women in Trades at the local community college. She signed up. Through the program, Bush learned the skills she needed to apply and interview for jobs few women had held before her. Ultimately she landed a position with the ironworker’s apprenticeship program— making her the first journey level woman ironworker in the local union’s history. She credits her success in an overwhelmingly male-dominated industry to gaining confidence in her skills through the Chicago Women in Trades program and developing the toughness to overcome physical and mental barriers on the job. “You have to think of yourself as one of the guys, while accepting that you may occasionally need to ask for help if you don’t have the physical strength to do something,” says Bush. Today Bush is using her skills to power the new green economy — working on a wind farm outside of Chicago preparing blades for wind towers
November 2005 City and NEW launch ad campaign, We’re Looking for a Few Good Women. Over 2,000 women contact NEW within three months. January 2006 Construction trade unions target 10% of apprentice construction slots for women. NYS Department of Labor approves direct access for NEW graduates into union apprenticeships. July 2006 MTA and NEW start subway and bus ad campaign. NEW applications increase by 250% NEW places 175 women in nontraditional jobs. February 2007 Key NYC projects commit to a goal of 15% women in the trade workforce New York District Council of Carpenters includes over 400 active women NEW helps MTV Networks/Viacom achieve an average of seven percent tradeswomen over their 22-week project, peaking at nine percent. This pilot program serves as a model for other construction projects NEW places graduates with 17 unions - an 88 percent increase over three years. Measuring Progress: NEW has placed over 625 women in the construction trades since NEW graduates started apprenticeships in 20 building trade unions this year.
Case Studies Case Study “A” Before NEW: Leaves high school after the 10 th grade, obtains GED Has two children Divorces, and because she was not financially secure, ex-husband gains custody of both daughters After NEW: Accepted into plumbers’ apprenticeship program Today: Working as a plumber earning $47.66/hour and facilitating workshops for NEW graduates Case Study “B” Before NEW: Joins Navy Reserves After NEW: Accepted into operating engineers’ apprenticeship program Completes apprenticeship Today: Working as an operating engineer and as an instructor at the union hall
Technical Opportunities Program Applicant Handbook Chicago Women In Trades Online Manual You Can Do It! a Woman’s Guide to Construction Careers
Why Green Is Your Color: A Woman's Guide to a Sustainable Career Introduction to the Guide Why Is Green Good for Women Green Occupations: A Look at What's Out ThereGreen Occupations: A Look at What's Out There Educating Yourself for a Green Career Finding Your Green Job Green Entrepreneurship Women Succeeding in Green Jobs Overcoming Challenges on Your Career PathOvercoming Challenges on Your Career Path Planning Your Green Career Glossary of Terms
Gendered Lens Assessment: Rate Your Program’s Capacity to Serve Women 1)Have you reviewed your assessment process to identify if there are any potential barriers, or any questions that may have a disparate impact on women being identified as strong applicants? Yes No 2)We offer professional development on the impact of gender stereotypes and hidden biases and the need for gender and culturally neutral, inclusive and sensitive practices in all aspects of our program. Yes No
Effective Assessment For Maximum Inclusion Career Exploration Gender Neutral Assessment Tools Transferable Skills Career Pathways Income Adequacy: Wages to Gain Family Economic Security
Assessment and Case Management Tool 2.1. Presentation: Assessment and Case Management Strategies to Support Women's Participation and Success in Green Jobs The presentation offers gender-neutral and sensitive assessment techniques, as well as guidelines for case management. It covers three topics: Tool 2.1. Presentation: Assessment and Case Management Strategies to Support Women's Participation and Success in Green Jobs -From a gender lens: selecting candidates likely to succeed; -Case management: supporting females clients from assessment to retention; and -Using self-sufficiency tools in assessment and case management. Tool 2.2. Tip Sheet: Assessment Questions and Evaluation Criteria Sample questions apply a gender lens to assessment: Tool 2.2. Tip Sheet: Assessment Questions and Evaluation Criteria -to go beyond stereotypes, -identify transferable skills, and -determine how to best serve incoming participants.
Industry Engagement in Recruitment and Assessment Benefits for Client -Exposure to real employers -Hearing directly from employers on what they are looking for in an employee Benefits for Industry -Meeting Clients -Pre-Screened Applicants Benefits for Program -Employer Investment -Feedback for Program
Capacity Building and Sustainability for Gender Inclusion Final Tips 1) Be Strategic 2) Set Goals 3) Monitor Progress 4) Measure and Report Outcomes Apply a gender and race lens to all aspects of your program. Conduct a scan/survey of your program’s current policy, practices and cultural competency Develop a plan with targets and benchmarks - set goals for numbers of women applicants, participants, graduates and placements Go out of your way to recruit and serve women and other underrepresented groups. Develop strategic outreach and recruitment plans to attract and engage female applicants. Be an advocate for diversity and equity with industry stakeholders Build staff understanding of: -the impact of gender wage inequity, -gender segregation of the labor market, -the impact of gender stereotypes and hidden biases, -and the need for gender and culturally sensitive teaching practices -How to support and serve traditionally underrepresented groups.
Closing and Commitment to Next Steps Exercise: Share one strategic change you plan to make in your program. What are the specific steps you will take? What resources or support are necessary to make changes? How will you measure impact? We plan to set goals for numbers of women applicants, participants, graduates and placements We will review our outreach and recruitment plans to ensure that they are strategically designed to attract and engage women applicants. We will ensure that our staff has a deep understanding of the impact of gender stereotypes, hidden biases and the need for gender/cultural sensitive teaching practices. We will expand our policy and professional development practices to build staff capacity to support and serve traditionally underrepresented groups.
Resources and Links Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Suite 101 Portland, OR phone ANEW - Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Employment for Women Apprenticeship Opportunities Program 550 SW 7th Street, Suite B305 Renton WA Telephone: NEW - Nontraditional Employment for Women 243 West 20th Street New York, NY (212) Chicago Women in Trades 2444 W. 16th St., Ste. 3E Chicago, IL / ext Hard Hatted Women 4415 Euclid Ave. Suite 301 Cleveland Ohio Phone Toll Free Phone: Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 930 Washington, DC Phone: Fax: Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support Services Main phone: ICSPS Illinois State University Campus Box 5911B Normal, IL