Theatre Design and Technology I Course Expectations
Mrs. Chadwick’s Contact Information Phone: ext Class information: Class information: wick/ wick/ Theatre website:
Course Description This one-year course will allow the students to explore all aspects of theatre including technical theatre production skills. Students will be instructed in the design concepts of costumes, make-up, properties, publicity, scenery construction, sound, stage lighting, and stage management. The appropriate use of technology is an integral part of this course. All Technical Theatre students are required to work on Liberty High School theatre department productions in some technical capacity. Every Tech I student must put in 2.5 hours of “shop” time each quarter outside of class time. There is a $30 course fee.
Course Goals To demonstrate correct safety usage and techniques of equipment and materials of technical theatre nature. To analyze a variety of dramatic texts from cultural and historical perspectives to determine production requirements. To interpret and create designs based on the director’s concept.
To apply artistic discipline in collaboration with others and to strive for ensemble in technical production. To explore discipline, knowledge and skills requisite for advanced preparation in technical theatre. To research by evaluating and synthesizing cultural and historical information to support artistic choices. To generate coherent stage management, promotional, and designer plans.
By the completion of this course, students will be able to do the following: Demonstrate knowledge of safety regulations in the theatre. Demonstrate skills in the technical aspects of a theatrical production. Demonstrate practical applications and varied uses of stage lighting and sound equipment. Correctly identify all tools, lighting instrumentation, stage scenery, and special effects equipment used in our theatre. Demonstrate knowledge of the construction of different types of stage scenery. Construct a set for an actual production.
Required Materials -Students are required to have a composition notebook for this class. -Students are expected to keep all course materials and notes for the duration of the semester. -Students may write in blue or black ink or pencil in this course. -Students are expected to come to class prepared, with all materials, daily.
Grading Student grades are based on Daily Skills Practice (30%), which includes but is no limited to tech work plans, and working during class hours Journal/Notes (15%) which includes think tanks and vocabulary Pre-Performance/Tech hours/Quizzes (20%) Performance Evaluation (35%) which includes but is not limited to projects, tests, peer and self evaluation of theatre department required performances.
Safety Tech Theatre students will be required to pass a safety examination (including testing on the safe operation of tools and equipment) prior to working with any theatrical equipment.
Tech Theatre Labs After school and Saturday work call hours are required by all tech students. All Tech I students are required to contribute at least 2.5 hours of outside of class time each quarter as part of their grade. If a student is unable to complete these hours an alternate assignment may be given. Students are responsible for clocking in an out during outside of class work hours. Hours can be met by working Saturday tech calls, ushering, volunteering to be on crews for plays, maintaining shop cleanliness and inventory after school, etc.
Play Analysis Required Attendance Tech I students are required to attend one performance of each of the LHS plays. Each student is required to write a play critique of each production If a student is unable to attend or participate in a production due to prior commitments, an alternate assignment will be given to the student after the instructor receives a note from the student's parent explaining the conflict Required performances are listed below: “The Addams Family”-- November Student directed one-acts – Jan 8-10 “The Lost Boys”-- February “Vanities” and “Stand and Deliver” – May 2015 dates TBA
Collaboration One of the essential components of this program is learning to work as a collaborative team. This requires cooperation, understanding, tolerance, patience and acceptance of others and their work. This course will offer fun and exciting opportunities for students who take their education and the art of theatre seriously.
Other Information Due to the nature of Technical Theatre, students must obey all written and spoken safety rules and regulations. Students engaging in any unsafe behavior will be subject to immediate Dean’s referral. All technical theatre students are encouraged to sign up for and participate in the running crew of Liberty’s productions. These crews will count towards the required lab hours. Running crews do require technicians to be at rehearsals after school. The best learning opportunities in the theatre take place outside of the regular school day working on productions. Any technical theatre student wishing to participate in productions on the running crew must also sign the production participation handbook signature sheet.