EMS1_3 avril Seminar on Violence Against Women The French presentation Auffret Colonel Auffret Istanbul. May, 31, 2013
EMS1_3 avril Plan - Overview of the French Gendarmerie - Assessing violence against women in France. Key figures - Recent progress in tackling violence against women - Continuing the fight to end violence against women - The gendarmerie specific policies
EMS1_3 avril Overview of the French Gendarmerie - Two police forces One mission - The military status - Organisation
EMS1_3 avril Assessing Violence Against Women - An effort to bridge shame and guilt - Collecting more thorough data - Key figures
EMS1_3 avril Assessing Violence Against Women - Every 3 days a woman dies of domestic violence acts of violence were committed against women among which 1/3 concern sexual violence - 4,200 women have been raped among whom 1/4 within the couple
EMS1_3 avril Recent Progress in Tackling Violence Against Women 31- Raising public awareness - 3 action plans since An information campaign titled « violence against women : dare to speak » - A free toll number and a dedicated website for helping the women victims of violence
EMS1_3 avril Recent progress in tackling violence against women 32- Strengthening legal framework law relative to the violence against women ► Judges can prescribe protection of the victims ► Forced marriage aggravates charges law relative to sexual harassment Creation of the cross-ministries mission dedicated to violence against women
EMS1_3 avril Continuing The Fight to End Violence against Women - Putting an end to sexism by carrying out at every school level awareness-raising campaigns - Improving communication before the acts of violence. Allocation of a telephone for the women in great danger
EMS1_3 avril The Gendarmerie Specific Policies 51- Improving the servicing of victims through better training - The initial training includes : ► A special teaching dedicated to the women victims of violence ► A new method for better-managed depositions - The in-service training includes case studies by civic groups
EMS1_3 avril The Gendarmerie Specific Policies 52- Raising awareness of the victims - Specialised units in youth crime prevention. The gendarmes go to schools to make presentations on violence against women (sexual violence or harassment,...)
EMS1_3 avril The Gendarmerie Specific Policies 53- Beefing up victims' support - At every county level, an officer is designated as the local referent for domestic violence. - Relay implementation with social services and associations.
EMS1_3 avril The Gendarmerie Specific Policies 54- Improving the partnership with the civil society. After a complaint, the victim receives the contact information of victims associations.
EMS1_3 avril The Gendarmerie Specific Policies 55- Participating to national level policy design on prevention of violence against women - Victims Committee - Cross-ministries mission for the protection of women against violence 30