Science Environmental Advanced Placement
WHY ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE? In the twenty-first century, the “environment” affects politics, economics, weather, plant and animal species, medicine, and energy; in short, EVERYTHING. All over the world, people have become increasingly concerned about the safety of our air, food, and water. Current weather-related events have sparked an interest in understanding global climate change and the human factors that may be enhancing global warming. Quality of life issues have made us more concerned and aware about our precious resources and open spaces and how to protect them. Individuals are taking conservation more seriously because of the environmental consequences of our current and future energy needs. Environmental science is the study of the interactions among the physical, chemical and biological components of the environment. As citizens, we will make decisions and personal sacrifices that will affect our world and our environment. Advanced Environmental Science provides students with a strong foundation in the sciences that forms the basis for understanding these important issues as well as provides students the opportunity to explore the social connections to the environment.
General Course Goals: 1. Develop an understanding of the process of science, especially environmental science. 2. Prepare for the national APES examination given in May. 3. Provide the knowledge needed to make informed decisions regarding environmental issues. 4. Learn to make positive impacts on the environment.
GRADING A %C+79-78% A98-94%C77-74% A-93-90%C-73-70% B+89-88%D+69-68% B87-84%D67-63% B-83-80%F< 63%
o 45% - Summative Assessments: o Summative assessments include unit tests and quizzes. These cumulative tests will model the same format as the national AP test and will include multiple choice (selected response) and essay (free response questions or FRQ’s) questions. o 35% - Formative Assessments: o Formative assessments include all laboratory assignments, notebooks, chapter packages, other class work, and most projects. o 15% - Homework (practice): o Homework usually includes practice math problems, warm-ups, and other shorter assignments. o 5% - Participation Participation usually includes group discussions, presentations, group work Weighing Grades
Will weigh in on overall grade Credit or no credit Actions resulting in zero credit: Unexcused absence Not working the whole time Inappropriate use of equipment Not contributing to group Being sent out PARTICIPATION
Participate in your group Do your own write-ups Follow instructions Handle materials safely Clean up your area LABSLABS
Current Events You will be required to turn in a Current Event Binder once a month (2 summaries per month). The Current Events must be related to the unit topics we are currently studying. You may use newspapers, magazines, Public Radio, TV, or the Internet. You must cite your sources. The current event can not be older than the last 5 years. Your summary must be a page long so make sure you are choosing material with enough information. Your summary must include a reflection section at the end.
Site your source (URL if an article) or attach the document. Make sure the source is clearly visible. Write a one paragraph summary of the article as well as one paragraph of your opinion/thoughts on the article (total should be a page long). Your information must be typed. Be prepared to discuss at least one of the articles in class. Try not to pick the same articles as your friends.
Resources Textbook: – Environmental Science for AP by Friedland, Andrew, et al. (New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company), – Replacement Cost: $125.00
Part I: APES Course Goals: 1. Science is a process. – a. Science is a method of learning more about the world. – b. Science constantly changes the way we understand the world. 2. Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes. – a. Energy cannot be created; it must come from somewhere. – b. As energy flows through systems, at each step more of it becomes unusable. 3. The Earth itself is one interconnected system. – a. Natural systems change over time and space. – b. Biogeochemical systems vary in ability to recover from disturbances.
4. Humans alter natural systems. – a. Humans have had an impact on the environment for millions of years. – b. Technology and population growth have enabled humans to increase both the rate and the scale of their impact on the environment. 5. Environmental problems have a cultural and social context. – a. Understanding the role of cultural, social, and economic factors is vital to the development of solutions. 6. Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems. – a. A suitable combination of conservation and development – b. Management of common resources is essential.
APES Unit Topics & Textbook Correlation: Times and Sequence are Subject to Change. Unit 1: Intro to ES/Matter & Energy (2-3 wks) – Chapter 1: Studying the State of our Earth – Chapter 2: Environmental Systems Unit 2: The Living World (5-6 wks) – Chapter 3: Ecosystem Ecology – Chapter 4: Global Climates and Biomes – Chapter 5: Evolution and Biodiversity Unit 3: Biological and Human Populations (3-4 wks) – Chapter 6: Population and Community Ecology – Chapter 7: The Human Population Unit 4: Earth Systems and Resources (3-4 wks) – Chapter 8: Earth Systems – Chapter 9: Water Resources
Unit 5: Land Use (3-4 wks) – Chapter 10: Land, Public and Private – Chapter 11: Feeding the World Unit 6: Energy Resources & Consumption (3-4 wks) – Chapter 12: Nonrenewable Energy Sources – Chapter 13: Achieving Energy Sustainability Unit 7: Pollution (7-8 wks) – Chapter 14: Water Pollution – Chapter 15: Air Pollution and Stratospheric Ozone Depletion – Chapter 16: Waste Generation and Waste Disposal – Chapter 17: Human Health and Environmental Risks Unit 8: Global Change & a Sustainable Future (1-2 wks) – Chapter 18: Conservation of Biodiversity – Chapter 19: Global Change – Chapter 20: Sustainability, Economics, and Equity
APES Exam About the ExamExam Day 2015 * Monday May 04 * 08:00 AM Exam Resources The exam is three hours long and has two parts — multiple choice questions and free response questions. The multiple choice section is worth 60% and the free response section is worth 40% of the final exam grade. Practice questionsReview Sessions Practice examsUpdated reminders Required for APFee Waived
Section I: Multiple Choice — 100 questions; 1 hour and 30 minutes The portion of multiple choice questions covering each course topic area is: Earth Systems and Resources (10%–15%) The Living World (10–15%) Population (10%–15%) Land and Water Use (10%–15%) Energy Resources and Consumption (10%–15%) Pollution (25%–30%) Global Change (10%–15%) Total scores on the multiple-choice section are based on the number of questions answered correctly. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers and no points are awarded for unanswered questions.
Section II: Free Response — 4 Questions; 1 hour and 30 minutes The free response section contains three types of questions: 1 document-based question in which you’ll answer questions related to a given document (e.g., pamphlet, newspaper article, or advertisement) 1 data set question in which you’ll analyze and interpret a given set of data 2 synthesis and evaluation questions which will be in-depth, multipart essays The free response section emphasizes the application of principles. You'll need to demonstrate your reasoning and analytical skills, as well as your ability to synthesize material from several sources into cogent and coherent essays
Get missing assignments 3 days to make up work 1 week for tests – come in on your own time Can’t make up missing work, labs or tests Zero for the day
For safety and sanitary reasons No food outside of cafeteria Water allowed Except in lab areas