Animal aid Art competition. Well done to all the students who entered the Animal aid Art competition. The organisation were so impressed with your entries that they are going to send them to the local newspaper! I will let you know what date they are going to be put it. Animal Aid Art competition
Some of the entries received.. Animal Aid Art competition
The community winners are.. Peters community Gemma Hughes Animal Aid Art competition
The community winners are.. McGowan Community Pradurshan Jayarajkumar Animal Aid Art competition
The community winners are.. Hackett community Sandeep Gill Animal Aid Art competition
Animal aid Art competition. The following pupils were commended by the Animal aid organisation. Well Done Khajol Naidu and Shannon Lally! Animal Aid Art competition
Animal Aid Art and Poetry Competition Gabriella Pasztor, a year 7 pupil also got commended for her poem ‘Factory farms, caring for animals’. This can be read on the school’s website. Well done!