A bid about life, grocery carts, and being the next : Associate Director of Publications for the Tennessee Association of Residence Halls. Cade Herron
Hey TARH! My name is Cade Herron, and I am eagerly putting forth this bid to serve as the next Associate Director of Publications for the Tennessee Association of Residence Halls. In many of my prior experiences in housing, the power of proper marketing cannot be understated. These experiences at ETSU included being a part of two Hall of the Year hall councils, an advisor for two other highly- active hall council, as well as being a resident director in one of the most engaged communities on campus for the past year and a half. Engaged residents happen, but engaged communities happen by no accident of those leading that community. Engagement evolves from exposure, exposure evolves from effective marketing. Effective marketing does not mean creating the newest invention- bigger is not better, new does not mean improved. It means being efficient with the tools that are already in place, being proactive in finding better tools, and understanding the limitations of those tools. While our tools are sufficient for those who are devoted state leaders, much can be done in terms of outreach and education that can show new delegates and emerging leaders that TARH is not just another cute housing acronym- TARH stands for something. By re-committing ourselves toward outreach and providing more incentive for universities to stay connected with TARH throughout the year, TARH can increase its profile not only with delegates, but also to those looking to be more involved and educated with our state organization. Currently, I am a 2 nd year graduate student at East Tennessee State University and am pursuing a master’s of education in Sports Kinesiology, with a Sports Management concentration and an emphasis on motorsport operations, as well as a certificate in Storytelling. I will be completing my current educational goals in May The term “squeaky wheels” resonates quite a bit with me- I was always a squeaky wheel growing up. If there was something I needed, someone heard about it. If someone needed something, I advocated for it. If there was a squeaky wheel on a grocery cart, I fixed it- my uncle collected grocery carts. Every now and then, he would return one, too. But I also have quite a few squeaky wheels in my residence hall that are always in my lobby, playing video games, doing homework, or attending programs. They obviously get “it”, that sense of community and belonging that so many tragically don’t witness their first year on campus. These residents in the lobby are the squeaky wheels, they get the grease, they get the mentorship that they know to ask for. But what about those who don’t know to ask for it? Again, I am very eagerly submitting this bid to become the next Associate Director of Publications for TARH, not just for the squeaky wheels of TARH, but also for those not voting. Squeakily yours, Cade Herron
Host instituation: ETSU 2 nd year graduate student Pursuing master’s in sports kinesiology Contact information Facebook.com/CadeHerron Snapchat: acherron90 XBOX Live: mariomath1990 Phone number: Resident director for Dossett Hall and West Hall Marital status: Married Dale yeah Cade loves the taste of Diet Dew He’ll trade anything for it. NACURH 2012, delegate SAACURH 2012, co-advisor NACURH 2013, delegate TARH 2014, co-chair
National Residence Hall Honorary Inducted in 2012 Currently an active voting member Member of OTM selection RHA Sponsorshipi for SAACURH 2012 Member of two Hall of the Year-affliated Hall Councils Governors, Dossett/West, Advisor of Dossett/West Hall Council Since Fall 2012 Co-chair, TARH 2014 ETSU Department of Housing and Residence Life Resident Director, Dossett/West Oversee the operation of both buildings and marketing of programs within halls.
I have access to all Microsoft office programs, including Word 2010 and Excel I am becoming more reliant upon Google Drive every day. I am becoming more flexible and literate in the realm of social media. Webpage building and graphic design are among my strengths Know-how from marketing in residence halls and from marketing with outside agencies.
Goals for position: To create a new, functional website by 4/1/2014 To create a “what to expect” guide for new delegates that NCC’s can use to prepare their first- time delegates for SAACURH/NACURH. To be an advocate of projects that benefit TARH delegates. To provide NCC’s and advisors up-to-date information about our upcoming state conference. To keep in consistent contact with the conference co-chairs/advisor for up-to-date information on the website. To set guidelines for creating a social marketing committee that will help administer the relaunching of the website page. Goals for TARH: To find easier ways to manage/deseminate information To accurately inform delegates and those interested in the state of business for TARH. To be approachable and flexible for staff and for those outside of the building.