Hazard Mitigation Policy and Planning Process and Past and Current Initiatives DISASTER MITIGATION FACILITY FOR THE CARIBBEAN Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC
Hazard Mitigation Policy and Planning Process and Past and Current Initiatives DISASTER MITIGATION FACILITY FOR THE CARIBBEAN Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC
Hazard Mitigation Planning Hazard Analysis Vulnerability Assessment Capability Assessment Mitigation Opportunity Analysis Where are hazard impacts / at What severity? What is at risk? Who is able to respond? How can we reduce risks? National Mitigation Policy National Mitigation Plan (Multi-sectoral)
Hazard Analysis Information sources Scientific studies /maps Long-term monitoring Historic reports Hazard Map and Description Shows likelihood of experiencing the hazard Hazard Analysis: Where Are Hazard Impacts and at What Severity? Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC Past Incidence Factors influencing occurrence
Vulnerability Assessment Elements at Risk Critical Facilities Natural Resources Agriculture Population/development (existing and projected) Vulnerability Map / Description Shows resources and populations susceptible to damage from the effects of hazards Hazard Map Vulnerability Assessment: What is at risk? Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC
Capability Assessment Review of Existing Measures and Gaps Technical capabilities Fiscal constraints Political will Institutional strength Legal mandates Assessment of acceptability of existing hazard risk and vulner- ability, and of sufficiency of existing mitigation measures Does staff have necessary training? Do existing laws provide appropriate authority? Is there political support for potentially unpopular measures? Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC Capability Assessment: Who is able to respond?
Mitigation Opportunity Analysis Highest Impact Risk Management Measures / Mitigation Opportunities Capability Assessment Results Development regulations Undeveloped land Population projections Age of housing stock Land cover change High hazard areas and high vulnerability resources / populations Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC Mitigation Opportunity Analysis: How can we reduce risks?
Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC Mitigation Plan: A viable strategy for managing risks Mitigation Plan Goals, Objectives and Actions Plan Adoption and Implementation Plan Monitoring, Evaluation and Update Highest Impact Risk Management Measures / Mitigation Opportunities
Hazard Mitigation Planning: Overview Hazard Characterization/Map Likelihood of experiencing the hazard Vulnerability Characterization/Map Resources/populations susceptible to damage from hazard effects Mitigation Plan Goals, Objectives and Actions Plan Adoption and Implementation Plan Monitoring, Evaluation and Update Capability Assessment Description of existing measures and remaining gaps Hazard Analysis Vulnerability Assessment Link between hazard and effect on resource at risk Capability Assessment Assessment of acceptability of existing risk and vulnerability, sufficiency of existing mitigation measures Mitigation Opportunity Analysis High Impact Mitigation Opportunities Sources:Planning to Mitigate Natural Hazards in the Caribbean. USAID/OAS Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project.Community Vulnerability Assessment Tool. NOAA Coastal Services Center. Where? What? Who? How?
Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project (CDMP) Post-Georges Disaster Mitigation Project (PGDM) Disaster Mitigation Facility for the Caribbean (DMFC ) Caribbean Hazard Mitigation Capacity Building Programme (CHAMP) Past and Current Initiatives Stage Stage Stage Present Disaster mitigation integrated into development planning Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC
Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project OAS;USAID/OFDA Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC Hazard Assessment Storm hazard modeling, using TAOS/L Kingston multihazard assessment study River Flooding, Belize Vulnerability Assessment (VA) Electrical utilities (VINLEC, St. Lucia) Vulnerability audits of schools/shelters (Eastern Caribbean) Probable loss estimation /hurricanes (Caribbean) Community VA (Dominican Republic, Haiti) CDMP activities produced several guidance publications and increased awareness of and need for comprehensive national policies/plans
Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project Mitigation planning workshop for development planners and disaster coordinators; CDMP/CDERA; 1997 Mitigation planning methodology developed and primer produced St. Lucia draft hazard mitigation plan CDMP activities increased awareness of and need for comprehensive national mitigation policies/plans Training: National consultation on draft mitigation plan St. Lucia, 1998 Regional workshop on hazard mapping and vulnerability assessment for physical planners and emergency managers; 1999 National mitigation planning workshops: Belize, Trinidad, Grenada; 1999
Post-Georges Disaster Mitigation Project ; Comprehensive national hazard mitigation plans developed for Antigua and Barbuda and St. Kitts and Nevis Multisectoral Involvement Formation of National Mitigation Councils Training in mitigation planning, hazard mapping, vulnerability assessment, capability assessment National consultations Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC
Current Initiatives Focus on integrated disaster mitigation and development planning, in the context of the Results Framework for Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) CDM Intermediate Results (IR’s) IR 4 – Preparedness, response and mitigation capability is enhanced and integrated IR 5 – Hazard information is incorporated into development planning and decision making Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC
Disaster Mitigation Facility for the Caribbean (DMFC); 2001 – 2006; Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC Strategic Objectives Institutional strengthening for disaster management/mitigation at CDB Adoption and institutionalisation of disaster mitigation policies and practices in borrowing member countries
Caribbean Hazard Mitigation Capacity Building Programme; (CHAMP); Objectives The development of comprehensive hazard mitigation planning frameworks The development and implementation of safer building training and certificate programmes
CHAMP Activities Model mitigation policy Model policy adaptation Legislative review and capability analysis Hazard Mapping /Vulnerability Assessment Mitigation plan development Targeted presentation packages (CHAMP) Hazard Mitigation Planning Activities: DMFC and CHAMP
Where are we? Mitigation Policy Jamaica - draft policy under completion Mitigation Plans British Virgin Islands St. Lucia St. Kitts and Nevis Antigua and Barbuda
Target Countries DMFC Belize Dominica Grenada Jamaica St. Lucia St. Kitts and Nevis CHAMP Belize British Virgin Islands Grenada St. Lucia
Hazard Mitigation Policy and Planning Process and Past and Current Initiatives DISASTER MITIGATION FACILITY FOR THE CARIBBEAN Strengthening Regional Capacity for Disaster Mitigation DMFC